Saturday, 21 April 2007

There is no word to describe how excited I am at this moment.




These two games are the entire reason I bought my DS Lite.


Tomorrow is Steph's school carnival day!!!
WAAH!!! But I can't go!!!
It's completely impossible for me to go to her house becuase of lack of transport.
She would've drenched me and I, in return would try or at least enjoy the sheer pleasure of her getting completely drenched in water too. Plus, I would've got to eat some great food too!!! =(
*licks lips in false anticipation*



I love some songs now; What I've Done by Linkin Park and Beautiful Liar by Beyonce feat. Shakira. What I've Done is a great song from Linkin Park, but you've gotta admit, it's kinda weird for Mike to only sing Na, na na, na na na nananana na na na na... He should be rapping as verses or at least a part of them. Other than that, it's still a great song anyways. Beautiful Liar is a song I only just heard about. My friend Melodie was singing 'Beyonce, Beyonce Shakira, Shakira... And I was thinking [Cool... Beyonce feat Shakira? I wonder what that'd sound like...]
And then, when I came back from school, guess what I found on my computer?
Yup, that's right. The video of Beautiful Liar by Beyonce feat. Shakira. The video is quite cool. I fell in love with the song almost instantly. Now, I'm starting to stop liking What I've Done!!! Oh NO! I have to like it because it's album hasn't even come out yet!!! NOO!!!!


Remember in a very recent post I posted about me hating some Form 2 guy who put some itchy fruit thingy on the back of my neck? Now, my friends also kena. Ramesh had it day-before yesterday. He got it from the same BallHead/Hiperbola/Hyperball haircut (the one that makes your face look like a ball and makes your hair correspond to the seemingly-impossible roundness of your face[if it is round]) Malay guy that I got it from. Leela and Vidya got it on their arm from a short Indian boy. They call him SI unit. Or Small Idiot. Lol. For some reason, I have no idea why this itchy menace of random people that come wiping itchy fruit on your body to make it horrible itchy has attacked so many of my friends (coincidentially, all of them whom I know were attacked are Indian. Suspicious much?).


Day-before-yesterday, I found my roller only to lose my pen. Today, I not only got back my roller and pen (both which friends had actually took[Roller: Ariff Pen: Alias]) and not only my Volume 1 Science book but my Focus book as well!!! So happy now. It turns out that Ariff had actually took both my books by accident. Sheesh. Talk about THICK. And he's a Pengawas Percubaan for goodness sake, he can't be THAT thick if he wants to live up tot he expectations of his fellow Pengawas Percubaans(Probates)/Real Pengawases/Teachers! I love Mr. Whiper and G-2! I named them literally, only turing Mr. Whiper's name up-side-down.



I guess that's it for this post. I'll get Pokemon Diamond once it hits Sungei Wang! I've already preordered my copy! It's impossible that I won't get it on or VERY near release!!!

Ok, then, see ya later!

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