My DS Lite's first break(improperly uploaded pic)
My oil panting-like masterpiece! Credits to Aunty Nalini a. k. a. Nahrend's mom.
Kholam at Guru Puja
Guru Puja Altar
Guru Puja Altar Close-up
Back view of pondok
Pondok Entrance view
Pondok view from inside
Cosy Corner/Shri Mataji Corner Sign
Garden-like place behind cosy corner
Altar Close-up
Resource Room
The kitchen; in the midst of sliverware-cleaning hustle-bustle
Back part of kitchen, view from back staircase
Upstairs Altar
Lecu's room
Lecu's things
Lecu's wardrobe (Well, there's no privacy policy against Lecu's room, is there?)
Rule-filled Sink of the Cosy Corner!
Unmentioned, unused and unnoticed pest-infested million-year-old(FIGURE OF SPEECH, ALIAS!!!) Shed
Back part/second storage unit of kitchen side view (first unit unaccesible at the time)
Shoe rack
Chinese hangout with new TV!
One of Shri Mataji's many, many, MANY pics
Altar inside view
Wenesia, High Ambassador of the WWW(World Wide Wenesia)!!!!
The ashram's most generally-used bathroom!
Sahaja Yoga Malaysia Sign
Ashram gates
Those are all the pics I have for my readers today, thus making up for every picture I've ever wanted to post. Sorry for the darkness, these pictures were taken somewhere around midnight or so...
So now you can all have a general idea of what the ashram looks like now I've shown you loads of pics of it. You can now also picture Wenesia and me...
Next pictures coming up are even more exciting, I shall post them all once I find my camera's USB cable...
Next pics coming: Results of Nira safari, And MORE!
Anyways, here is the name list and pekerjaan and sektor for all 1A ppl who didnt manage to get it.
Aiman - Pengurus Arkitek - Sendiri
Amir Hamzah - Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Ariff - Doktor - Sendiri
Chan - Pendandan Rambut - Sendiri
Christopher - Pengurus Besar KFC - Swasta
Dileruben - Director Manager of HABIB - Swasta
Imran - Pengarah Institut Kraf Negara - Awam
Goh - Kontraktor - Awam
Hafiz - Pengurus ICT - Swasta
Harvind - Pengurus Syarikat - Swasta
Iskandar - Doktor - Swasta
Liew - Jurutera - Swasta
Lughen - Guru - Sendiri
Pallavaraya -Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Rahulan - Consultant - Sendiri
Shanker - Doktor Haiwan - Swasta
Zuhair - Pengurus Operasi - Swasta
Zul - Vice President of RHB Bank - Awam
Adib - Ejen Hartanah - Sendiri
Ain - Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Aina - Arkitek - Sendiri
Akan Delia - Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Anis - Pengurus Latihan - Swasta
Amalina - Pengarah - Swasta
Divya - Kontraktor - Sendiri
Fathin - Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Haasyimah - Instruktor - Awam
Hanim - Guru - Awam
Jaipreet - Pengurus - Swasta
Joshini - Jurutera - Swasta
Leela - Pengurus Insurans - Swasta
Liyana - Ahlie Perniagaan - Sendiri
Melodie - Guru - Awam
Nabila Bakri - Guru - Awam
Nazurah - Ahli Perniagaan - Sendiri
Sarah - Jurutera - Swasta
Syahira - Pensyarah - Awam
Yudhishtry - Pensyarah - Awam
Well, this is likely to be the longest post I've ever made that'll cover my whole blog page...
Bye bye then!
I shall post more pics when I can!
1 comment:
I'm so sorry the pics r so bad quality and sided out! I duno what happened!
And they're so big and blurry...
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