Saturday, 7 July 2007

Arrangements+Merentas Desa+Hari Karnival Sukan!

1) Arrangements.

Lol. Previous post title; Arrangments.
Original arrangements remain. Tuition ponteng'd. Steph' house overnite. Laksh sick. T_T
Why now? Why does she HAVE to get sick now???

2) Merentas Desa
The Merentas Desa track of SMKTM is strenuous and EXTREMELY exhausting. The track(guys's one); From SMKTM, go out the front gate, past the bus stop(straight forward from the front main gate) and then along the K Klub to the place where the Sekolah Agama is, then still straight until the pasar kecil area. Turn left and keep walking til the roundabout leading to Hillside Apartments and SKTM1(which ROX!). Then go forward (oredi past the Jln P and field place) and then ... ? Forgot. But even when you FINALLY get back to the school, you have to go ANOTHER WHOLE ROUND! Not around the track again, but around the school area. Then, go to SKTM2(which SUX!)'s checkpoint and then from SKTM2(which still SUX!) go to SMKTM. It was so exhausting. My Rumah Kuning T-Shirt was soaking. So was everyone else's clothes. I had to drink 2 cans of 100 PLUS to quench my thirst.

3)Hari Karnival Sukan!!!
OK. Not much about sukan, which I didn't care about ONE bit. I bought two balloons!! Red one's named Looney, and it's blue bro, Rooney. Young though Rooney, he's MUCH taller than Looney.
There were so many stalls! I had a a stick consisting of 4 marshmallows covered in CHOCOLATE SYRUP from the CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!! Mmm! Chocolate covered marshmallows!!! I also had some homemade Lasagna, a piece of Shakey's Pizza(which I haven't had for at least a year!) and some deliciously rich chocolate cake. Mmm! There was this game which was the English club's booth. There was this wooden chair thing with a tied-up basketball net. And someone was supposed to sit on the chair. For RM5(3 shots), you had to throw the ball to hit the water-filled balloon placed on the basketball net, so if you did, the balloon would BURST and the person sitting on the chair thingy would be Dunk'd! Lol. Punk'd-like. I didn't try. For fear that my poor throwing things would result in someone's head being hit by the ball, or some other vital parts of the body.

What else?
Oh yeah! I met four of my old friends today!
a) Sharukh Sing
Komal's brother. Sickening though he may be, no-one knows how he got so sick.
b) Dhaavin
Also in Standard 5 like Sharukh, he's really black and has the most Indian accent in SKTM1.
c)Ruth Ho
Ruth, my old friend from SKTM1 is now gonna face UPSR! MUAHAHAHA!!! How much will she get? Nobody knows... It's amazing how different she looks without her school uniform on.
d)Alya Iman!!!
My old friend from SKTM1, and Sarah Roslan's best friend. I got such a pleasant shock when I saw her again! She looks exactly the same, and had to move on to Wangsa Maju school. T_T
Sarah brought her to school for Carnival Day.

Oh yeah!
There was this game, you paid RM5 for 6/7 darts and you threw them at balloons that were stuck on a white styrofoam(is that how you spell it?) board. But first, you had to choose random folded papers that said which balloons should be burst/shot down. (e. g. 1 Red, 1 Blue.) If you burst the rquired balloons, you would win something, also randomly chosen. I chose a shirt a T-shirt that I know will never fit me as long as I live. So I plan on giving it to somebody.

Alias played the game too and won a cream-color cap, which he gave me. There was also a Flying Fox that cost RM5, but I didn't have enough money to do it. =(


Events in July
Watching at 12 noon on Sunday.

-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie!
Gonna watch ASAP.

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Final Book!
A definite and ABSOLUTE must-buy and must-read. Preordered in at MPH in Alpha Angle sometime in May.

That's all for now.

See ya!

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