Thursday, 26 July 2007

Hey! I'm ba-ack! At last!

Yep! I'm finally back!
But this time, I've got an all-new surprise for you people...


A long-awaited little something...


But it's only 3.2 Mega Pixels. =(
My cousin's PHONE is better than that.
It's a Canon Digital Ixus II.

I'm gonna take it with me wherever I go, just like I do my phone and my DS Lite!
...Wow. It just occured to me how tech-savvy I really am. ...Or am I?


I haven't started my Sejarah folio yet...*twiddles thumbs*
I shall soon!
I will pass it up(or try to) before the July exam!
I have the resources!
I have the camera!
I don't have the printer! =(

With the camera thing and the Microsoft Office thing out of the way, I can do most school work and other things easily. Well, but the only problem now is that I don't have a printer...
But, maybe I can use my mum's for now...

Or, otherwise, I could always use my ZEN(if it agrees with the Advanco Computers, that is).
I SERIOUSLY need to get my DS Lite repaired. I mean, whenever I turn it upside down, it just opens. It's scary for people who own DS Lites. When I put it back the right way up, the hinge swings the top part of the system to close with a deafening THUD that sounds as if it may break the top part off. =(

And, also, having an improper hinge makes gameplay MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more annoying. Like, it becomes hard to play while lying down. For example, imagine this scene:

You're playing Pokemon Emerald, trying to catch Rayquaza. Trying to catch it. Desperately throwing Ultra Balls and whatever other Poke Balls you have, being careful not to touch the Master Ball. And since your DS Lite has a hinge problem, you have to hold the hinge up with your left index finger FOR THE WHOLE BATTLE, or AS LONG AS YOU WANNA PLAY lying down. Ugh. I would HATE that.


Let's move on to the folios, shall we?
Folios are out-of-date, as usual.

KH folio passed up already, but I have to redo it because I got a B for Modul 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4. WAAH!!!

Sejarah folio haven't started. But I DO have the resources, though. I shall begin and end in the blink of an eye, or in the Flash of a Poke Ball! MUAHAHA!!!

As for the Moral folio...
I don't really understand how to do it, but yet I have this weird sense in my body that keeps me believing that I know what to do. Maybe my mind's jsut in denial that it's that easy to do, but that long to make.

Moral folio deadline is Saturday.
Sejarah folio...
Alias said teacher gave us MARKS for the folio already!
*runs around in circles*
Well, I shall do them both on Saturday and Sunday. Since Moral teacher is stricter than Sejarah teacher, Moral is my first priority. Sejarah will come in later only. But I know EXACTLY what to do for the Sejarah folio.

Moral is just general knowledge. All I have to do is Bergotong-Royong Membersihkan Halaman Rumah. All I'll do is get someone to take photos while I (pretend to)clean the front of my house! Muahaha! It's a genius scheme which everyone who did the Moral folio would have did and thought of long, long, long ago!

As for the Sivik folio...

We all took the pics already...
I don't really know what we're supposed to do for the said folio, maybe just biographize how we gotong-royong. Our group is massive and consists of about 10 different people, which may have gone down to 9, seeing as Ramesh isn't in our group anymore.

I think we're gonna get together at someone's house and do the folio there.
Probably Aiman's. I don't know where his house is though. Probably somewhere in Bukit Antarabangsa. So many people live there! I mean, just look at the list:

-Arif Esa

There are SO MANY school friends of mine who live there! I'm surprised I don't find them huddled in a corner spying on me whenever I went to Ruben's house in 2003/2004!




Steph asked to read the manual twice.

... ... ...



That manual is SO, SO thick, and SO, SO boring... If it was a Harry Potter book, I would've read it within days. The only manual I've ever considered reading is the manual of my DS Lite, which wasn't even so thick in entirety.

You don't have to fully and comprehensively read a manual to use a camera...


It was actually Steph that asked me to blog, and by the time she had asked, I was already in the middle of making this (long) post.
So this blog post is dedicated to Steph!
Too bad she had to sleep before the post was finished, incredibly long as it was!

If you want Harry Potter spoilers, ask me!
Lol, Steph can still read it now!

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