Well, I didn't get my SuperCard Lite today...
Something came up...
Meh, it's a long story.
OK, after a not-so-bad-at-all piano class, me, my mum and my grandma were on our way to Sungei Wang Plaza. We were just i the night market area. My mum drove her car fast and someone who was opening the door of the van just opened the door and my mum screamed. Turns out that the impact had knocked the side mirror of it's hinges. o_O
After lots of talking/polite ways of arguing in public, the boy called a lady. She said to call his boss. His boss came and didn't wanna pay for it becaus eit cost about RM380. Then, after lots more argument in polite form, my mum went to repair it. At least we got it repaired. And with new mirrors on both sides too. Note that in the process of trying to adjust the mirror to the proper position, the boy accidentally broke the mirror. Also not that the boy was only about 15 years of age. BUT HOW CAN THAT BE? I MEAN, 15 YOs DRIVING???
OK... Besides that, nothing else happened today. We ran into Nahrend(My form 1 friend) and family when we went to order me some takeout Chinese food. I LOVE CHINESE FOOD!!! <3
Sweet and Sour. You know it. ;)
Bye! Update tomorrow!
Thursday, 30 November 2006
And this time, the shop won't fail me. My mum called them and they said Flash Supercard for DS Lite IS IN STOCK.
The only thing that ruins today is the thing that ruins every Thursday of my late 2006 and full 2007 life; PIANO CLASS.
Ugh...So full now. I bloated myself with water after eating lunch.
I'm gonna do this when I get home;
2. Do whatever I have to do and put in both Diamond AND Pearl JP ROMs in the Supercard.
3. Play until my DS Lite's power goes red.
5.Play until my DS Lite goes red again.
Steps 3-5 will be the next part of my 2006 life for now. =D
I can also put in NES, SNES, GBC, GBA and NDS ROMs. XD
I'll put in Pokemon Ranger, New Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy III(maybe), Pokemon Trozei, GBA Pokemon games, and many others. XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
My friend can't type properly because of his keyboard. *angelic face* It wasn't my fault HIS SISTER put the drink on the table. *angelic face*
How do I even put the Flashbox in my blog page? :s
Ah, what the heck.
Today's Questions (answer them by commenting this post:
Do you think I should make a Google account just for Blogger beta?
What starter should I start with in Pearl? Hikozaru or Pocchama?
What game do you really recommend for DS?
That's all for now.
Gotta practice piano URGENTLY in time for piano class.
But that can wait. It's just that there's nothing to write about now. I'll tell you EVERYTHING about Diamond/Pearl and the Supercard when I get it. Bye!
And this time, the shop won't fail me. My mum called them and they said Flash Supercard for DS Lite IS IN STOCK.
The only thing that ruins today is the thing that ruins every Thursday of my late 2006 and full 2007 life; PIANO CLASS.
Ugh...So full now. I bloated myself with water after eating lunch.
I'm gonna do this when I get home;
2. Do whatever I have to do and put in both Diamond AND Pearl JP ROMs in the Supercard.
3. Play until my DS Lite's power goes red.
5.Play until my DS Lite goes red again.
Steps 3-5 will be the next part of my 2006 life for now. =D
I can also put in NES, SNES, GBC, GBA and NDS ROMs. XD
I'll put in Pokemon Ranger, New Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy III(maybe), Pokemon Trozei, GBA Pokemon games, and many others. XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!
My friend can't type properly because of his keyboard. *angelic face* It wasn't my fault HIS SISTER put the drink on the table. *angelic face*
How do I even put the Flashbox in my blog page? :s
Ah, what the heck.
Today's Questions (answer them by commenting this post:
Do you think I should make a Google account just for Blogger beta?
What starter should I start with in Pearl? Hikozaru or Pocchama?
What game do you really recommend for DS?
That's all for now.
Gotta practice piano URGENTLY in time for piano class.
But that can wait. It's just that there's nothing to write about now. I'll tell you EVERYTHING about Diamond/Pearl and the Supercard when I get it. Bye!
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
... I wrote a blog update from 12:54 to past 1 am today but I couldn't post it because I culdn't connect to the site. >.< Should've used the Save as Draft button >.<
Oh yeah, I went to my friends house yesterday. I stayed there for 11 hours; from 7:30 to 6:30. I had to wake up super early because my dad didn't have much time to spare.
It was so weird. Two people playing GBASPs and in the middle someone playing a DS Lite... o_O haha
I've decided on what I'm going to buy. I'm gonna buy a Flash Supercard Lite, which is a Flash supercard specially bilt for the DS Lite so that it doesn't jut out of the GBA Game Pak slot. It functions perfectly and can put in all NES, SNES, GBC, GBA and NDS ROMs(games). I am also going to try and buy a GBA Game Pak slot cover of the right color for my DS Lite now. It's REALLY GETTING KINDA ANNOYING. Meh, the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector is expensive beyond all reason so I think that can wait until 2007. Instead, I want to try going to Ampang Point/Sungei Wang and try to find an original Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald. If there is, I'm going to buy an original Pokemon Emerald game. It will be useful for 2007. I can transfer all the Hoenn legendaries to DP! It'll do Ro, me, Steph and anyonewho knows me who also happens to have bought a DS/DS Lite and any 1 of the DP games very good.
Today my friend SMSed me about when I was in his house. He accidentally kicked a glass that was 1/4 filled with ice and it fell on his keyboard(not actually fell on the keyboard, but some ice must have gotten there somehow). Today, he SMSed me saying that now half thebuttons on his keyboard don't work. Lol.
Anyway, that computer glitch won't even be a care for him anymore because he's getting his own laptop. HE'S GETTING HIS VERY OWN LAPTOP!!! NO FAIR! AND HE ONLY GOT 4 AS!!! I GOT 5 AS AND ALL I GET IS 500!!! NO FAIR!!!
He can do whatever he wants with that laptop. It must feel so nice to have your own PC with no one bothering what you do in it. Can remember the password for everything you need an account for... I wish I had a PC... *drools*
I ALSO WANT POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL! Who cares about Diamonds and Pearls, to me, it's Pokemon Diamond and Pearl that's important. It's sooooo cool. But it'll have to take some getting used to to open the menu with Y and use registered items with X instead of using the Start and Select buttons.
I wish I could do something to make this blog look a llittle less boring. I want to wallpaper this blog with POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL!!! XD IT'S GONNA LOOK SOOO GREAT!
... But the first concern is how to do that> I'm super-new to the whole blogging concept and I don't even know how to making writing on blog posts bigger. HECK, THE ONLY TAG I KNOW IS BLOD WRITING
Somebody teach me how to make this blog look customized. I need to know how to set my own banners and put in little links to blogs that I check for updates every day. I must learn more...
In DotA, I used Rhasta, the Shadow Shaman. HE IS ONE OF THE BEST HEROES THERE EVER WAS!!!
HIS ULTI IS A GREAT HELP WITH PUSHING TOWERS!!! I defeated the Scourge in no time at all even though the opponent was level 25 and I was still level 16. It was SOOO COOL!!!
OK then, I think that's enough updation for today. TTFN!
Oh yeah, I went to my friends house yesterday. I stayed there for 11 hours; from 7:30 to 6:30. I had to wake up super early because my dad didn't have much time to spare.
It was so weird. Two people playing GBASPs and in the middle someone playing a DS Lite... o_O haha
I've decided on what I'm going to buy. I'm gonna buy a Flash Supercard Lite, which is a Flash supercard specially bilt for the DS Lite so that it doesn't jut out of the GBA Game Pak slot. It functions perfectly and can put in all NES, SNES, GBC, GBA and NDS ROMs(games). I am also going to try and buy a GBA Game Pak slot cover of the right color for my DS Lite now. It's REALLY GETTING KINDA ANNOYING. Meh, the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector is expensive beyond all reason so I think that can wait until 2007. Instead, I want to try going to Ampang Point/Sungei Wang and try to find an original Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald. If there is, I'm going to buy an original Pokemon Emerald game. It will be useful for 2007. I can transfer all the Hoenn legendaries to DP! It'll do Ro, me, Steph and anyonewho knows me who also happens to have bought a DS/DS Lite and any 1 of the DP games very good.
Today my friend SMSed me about when I was in his house. He accidentally kicked a glass that was 1/4 filled with ice and it fell on his keyboard(not actually fell on the keyboard, but some ice must have gotten there somehow). Today, he SMSed me saying that now half thebuttons on his keyboard don't work. Lol.
Anyway, that computer glitch won't even be a care for him anymore because he's getting his own laptop. HE'S GETTING HIS VERY OWN LAPTOP!!! NO FAIR! AND HE ONLY GOT 4 AS!!! I GOT 5 AS AND ALL I GET IS 500!!! NO FAIR!!!
He can do whatever he wants with that laptop. It must feel so nice to have your own PC with no one bothering what you do in it. Can remember the password for everything you need an account for... I wish I had a PC... *drools*
I ALSO WANT POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL! Who cares about Diamonds and Pearls, to me, it's Pokemon Diamond and Pearl that's important. It's sooooo cool. But it'll have to take some getting used to to open the menu with Y and use registered items with X instead of using the Start and Select buttons.
I wish I could do something to make this blog look a llittle less boring. I want to wallpaper this blog with POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL!!! XD IT'S GONNA LOOK SOOO GREAT!
... But the first concern is how to do that> I'm super-new to the whole blogging concept and I don't even know how to making writing on blog posts bigger. HECK, THE ONLY TAG I KNOW IS BLOD WRITING
Somebody teach me how to make this blog look customized. I need to know how to set my own banners and put in little links to blogs that I check for updates every day. I must learn more...
In DotA, I used Rhasta, the Shadow Shaman. HE IS ONE OF THE BEST HEROES THERE EVER WAS!!!
HIS ULTI IS A GREAT HELP WITH PUSHING TOWERS!!! I defeated the Scourge in no time at all even though the opponent was level 25 and I was still level 16. It was SOOO COOL!!!
OK then, I think that's enough updation for today. TTFN!
Monday, 27 November 2006
...Oh, hello. Hi.
And for all you idiots out there who prefer Chelsea over Man U, you are stupid, misguided and dumb. :P *shows tongue rudely*
The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector that I told you readers about is expensive beyond my wildest dreams. It cost about $34.95 USD. That's like... 34.95 x 3.80 is...
RM132.81!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S LIKE, RM200!!!
That's a HIGH price for something that small. Meh, it's OK because in technology the smaller it is, the more expensive it is. It's my proven hypothesis. Not really proven by anybody except me as of yet, but I'll get someone to see if this is true. Note that this hypothesis DOES NOT apply for merchandise of different kinds. For example, try comparing the price of a Nintendo DS with the price of a Nintendo DS Lite. You'll see that the DS Lite is more expensive BECAUSE IT'S SMALLER. The same goes for the price of the Game Boy Advance SP compared to the price of a Game Boy Micro. But compare prices with different kinds of merchandise and you'll find how much difference there is. I mean, OF COURSE A CPU COSTS MORE THAN AN IPOD!!!
Yeesh, I really need to learn all the tags used when blogging. I don't even know how to write in a bigger font. -_-"
I need to get help from Steph.
Hehe, today I defeated 5 Easy bots in DotA. It wasn't really easy (OK, so maybe it was TOO easy), I died more about 3 times or so. But I was beyond Godlike, owning, and at Holy Sh*t status. It was like, I had Eye Of Skadi, Aghanim's Scepter, Boots Of Travel and Ring Of Basillius. Crystal Maiden. Level 25(DU-H). I was like, so powerful. I was so powerful, I could just kill the enemy heroes without using any spells. But I used LOTS of spells. ;) I was so powerful I could even hold my own against all their towers. I was already at their base. They would attack me once they sighted me and their creepie army would also be with them. I'll freeze one, go right in the middle of them all and the use my beutiful, killer ulti; Freezing Field.
I also saw something I thought I'd never see. ROSHAN BEING KILLED. My bro was playing against 3 Normal. He was playing as Akasha, the Queen of Pain. He had eye of Skadi, Power Treads, Aghanim's Scepter and other stuff. He also had the Divine Rapier, which INCREASES ATTACK DAMAGE BY 350. 350: THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY. THAT'S A LOT. And with that, HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe how strong he is. He should 1 on 1 with Chris. But the weirdest thing is...
Meh, by one year ony, no big.
...But it's driving me crazy! O_O
...I wish I could go to Ro/Laksh's house. I miss Ginger(the cutest dog in history) besides Travis(my cousins's dog) and Twinkle(Steph's dog).
Jun Yan and Shan Shan are going to his house tomorrow. And when do I get to go? MID-DECEMBER. T.T
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... So relaxed...
Winning so nicely has released all the anger I had gotten by being defeated so many times by Steph, Ro and Chris. To Ro, your strategy is NOT, I repeat: NOT what makes you able to beat me. To Steph, YOU WILL PAY FOR THE VENUSAUR INCIDENT! "VENUS" WILL BE AVENGED!!! To Chris, besides my brother, youa re the msot powerful DotA player I've ever known. Hehe, excuse me, but the urge is overwhelming. Gotta go DotA with Stpeh. Bye!
...Oh, hello. Hi.
And for all you idiots out there who prefer Chelsea over Man U, you are stupid, misguided and dumb. :P *shows tongue rudely*
The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector that I told you readers about is expensive beyond my wildest dreams. It cost about $34.95 USD. That's like... 34.95 x 3.80 is...
RM132.81!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S LIKE, RM200!!!
That's a HIGH price for something that small. Meh, it's OK because in technology the smaller it is, the more expensive it is. It's my proven hypothesis. Not really proven by anybody except me as of yet, but I'll get someone to see if this is true. Note that this hypothesis DOES NOT apply for merchandise of different kinds. For example, try comparing the price of a Nintendo DS with the price of a Nintendo DS Lite. You'll see that the DS Lite is more expensive BECAUSE IT'S SMALLER. The same goes for the price of the Game Boy Advance SP compared to the price of a Game Boy Micro. But compare prices with different kinds of merchandise and you'll find how much difference there is. I mean, OF COURSE A CPU COSTS MORE THAN AN IPOD!!!
Yeesh, I really need to learn all the tags used when blogging. I don't even know how to write in a bigger font. -_-"
I need to get help from Steph.
Hehe, today I defeated 5 Easy bots in DotA. It wasn't really easy (OK, so maybe it was TOO easy), I died more about 3 times or so. But I was beyond Godlike, owning, and at Holy Sh*t status. It was like, I had Eye Of Skadi, Aghanim's Scepter, Boots Of Travel and Ring Of Basillius. Crystal Maiden. Level 25(DU-H). I was like, so powerful. I was so powerful, I could just kill the enemy heroes without using any spells. But I used LOTS of spells. ;) I was so powerful I could even hold my own against all their towers. I was already at their base. They would attack me once they sighted me and their creepie army would also be with them. I'll freeze one, go right in the middle of them all and the use my beutiful, killer ulti; Freezing Field.
I also saw something I thought I'd never see. ROSHAN BEING KILLED. My bro was playing against 3 Normal. He was playing as Akasha, the Queen of Pain. He had eye of Skadi, Power Treads, Aghanim's Scepter and other stuff. He also had the Divine Rapier, which INCREASES ATTACK DAMAGE BY 350. 350: THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY. THAT'S A LOT. And with that, HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN. HE KILLED ROSHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe how strong he is. He should 1 on 1 with Chris. But the weirdest thing is...
Meh, by one year ony, no big.
...But it's driving me crazy! O_O
...I wish I could go to Ro/Laksh's house. I miss Ginger(the cutest dog in history) besides Travis(my cousins's dog) and Twinkle(Steph's dog).
Jun Yan and Shan Shan are going to his house tomorrow. And when do I get to go? MID-DECEMBER. T.T
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... So relaxed...
Winning so nicely has released all the anger I had gotten by being defeated so many times by Steph, Ro and Chris. To Ro, your strategy is NOT, I repeat: NOT what makes you able to beat me. To Steph, YOU WILL PAY FOR THE VENUSAUR INCIDENT! "VENUS" WILL BE AVENGED!!! To Chris, besides my brother, youa re the msot powerful DotA player I've ever known. Hehe, excuse me, but the urge is overwhelming. Gotta go DotA with Stpeh. Bye!
Sunday, 26 November 2006
I wish I had a digital camera. *sigh*
I wish I had a digital camera.
Then I could take pictures of everything I see. But I've already reserved Pokemon Diamond for a 13th birthday present since June or earlier. I want a camera like Steph's old pink one. That's a cool camera. And since I finally have an image hosting account on photobucket, I can post images on my blog without anything going wrong.
Or better still, I wish I had a camera phone. But then the phone would have to be the most expensive thing on the planet because I'd be fussy and want the picture quality to be at least 2 Megapixels. Lol.
I wanted an N73 last time. And is till want it now. It looks SOOOOOOOOO cool. Here, I posted a pic of it.

DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE THE COOLEST PHONE YOU EVER SAW!!!!! 3.2 Megapixel camera. Everything you'd ever want in a cool, superb, user-friendly phone. I wish I had a COLOR phone at least. My cousin insists on me to buy DS stuff (and I wanna too) but he thinks it's ridiculous for people of ages 9-14 to have supercool phones. In fact, he thinks it's ridiculouos for 12 year olds to even HAVE phones. Because my cousin's the most technologically smart in my family tree, my mum and dad agree. My older bro has the same opinion as them all too. =(
In fact, they think my friends are spoilt because they have walkman phones. Really, it bothers me how older people think less of younger people. They don't know what we can do! *angry face*...*sigh* But I already have an Mp3 so a walkman phone doesn't really appeal to me. I just want super color, MMS, XMS, SNAKES, Camera and 3G. But those phones all cost like RM2000. I love spending money so I don't know if I'll be able to buy a phone like that...nevermind, don't care about those right now. I only care about my Flash Supercard, GBA Game Pak slot cover, Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector and most importantly, POKEMON DIAMOND!!! =D
I officially declare Sunday DotA day. anyone who wants to DotA with me can on Sunday. And on every other day, in fact. But everyone's free on Sunday so it's suitable for Sunday to be DotA day. =D
Anyway, I wish I had a GBA Game Pak slot cover for my DS Lite. It's really starting to annoy me now. But it makes absolutely no sense, because the only games I play on a daily basis are the GBA ones. Lol.
Pokemon is one of the best things that ever happened to my life. Lol. If anyone thinks Pokemon is cool, I agree. POKEMON ROCKS! Not many people in the global populus disagree on this statement I'm sure.
I'm such a noob Pokemon fan. Heck, I didn't even really play Pokemon in the days of Gold and Silver. My first Game Boy ever was a Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Pearl Blue version), bought in November 2003. It died in December 2005. My dear GBASP, how I miss you so! =( And my first game ever for my Game Boy was Pokemon Ruby Version. my first game got deleted in the car I remember. I think I cried a bit. I had a Sceptile Lv91 for God's sake. Of course you'd be sad about that.
Now I bought a Nintendo DS Lite (Ice Blue evrsion) on October 26th 2006. It will NEVER die. The first game played on the GBA Game Pak slot was Super Street Fighter II X Revival (Japanese, but ORIGINAL) and the first game played on the DS Game Card slot was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (USA and ORIGINAL). It's weird that DS games are never fake. They're all original. I wish pokemon Diamond and Pearl would hurry up and get here in USA English. I'm a Pokemon Fr3@K.
The TAP (Typo Analyzation Program) is still going on. Though I can type at what I think is faster than the speed of sound, I stil make LOTS AND LOTS of typos.
Haha, that's all for today, blog reading ppl! Bye! ;)
I wish I had a digital camera.
Then I could take pictures of everything I see. But I've already reserved Pokemon Diamond for a 13th birthday present since June or earlier. I want a camera like Steph's old pink one. That's a cool camera. And since I finally have an image hosting account on photobucket, I can post images on my blog without anything going wrong.
Or better still, I wish I had a camera phone. But then the phone would have to be the most expensive thing on the planet because I'd be fussy and want the picture quality to be at least 2 Megapixels. Lol.
I wanted an N73 last time. And is till want it now. It looks SOOOOOOOOO cool. Here, I posted a pic of it.
DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE THE COOLEST PHONE YOU EVER SAW!!!!! 3.2 Megapixel camera. Everything you'd ever want in a cool, superb, user-friendly phone. I wish I had a COLOR phone at least. My cousin insists on me to buy DS stuff (and I wanna too) but he thinks it's ridiculous for people of ages 9-14 to have supercool phones. In fact, he thinks it's ridiculouos for 12 year olds to even HAVE phones. Because my cousin's the most technologically smart in my family tree, my mum and dad agree. My older bro has the same opinion as them all too. =(
In fact, they think my friends are spoilt because they have walkman phones. Really, it bothers me how older people think less of younger people. They don't know what we can do! *angry face*...*sigh* But I already have an Mp3 so a walkman phone doesn't really appeal to me. I just want super color, MMS, XMS, SNAKES, Camera and 3G. But those phones all cost like RM2000. I love spending money so I don't know if I'll be able to buy a phone like that...nevermind, don't care about those right now. I only care about my Flash Supercard, GBA Game Pak slot cover, Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector and most importantly, POKEMON DIAMOND!!! =D
I officially declare Sunday DotA day. anyone who wants to DotA with me can on Sunday. And on every other day, in fact. But everyone's free on Sunday so it's suitable for Sunday to be DotA day. =D
Anyway, I wish I had a GBA Game Pak slot cover for my DS Lite. It's really starting to annoy me now. But it makes absolutely no sense, because the only games I play on a daily basis are the GBA ones. Lol.
Pokemon is one of the best things that ever happened to my life. Lol. If anyone thinks Pokemon is cool, I agree. POKEMON ROCKS! Not many people in the global populus disagree on this statement I'm sure.
I'm such a noob Pokemon fan. Heck, I didn't even really play Pokemon in the days of Gold and Silver. My first Game Boy ever was a Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Pearl Blue version), bought in November 2003. It died in December 2005. My dear GBASP, how I miss you so! =( And my first game ever for my Game Boy was Pokemon Ruby Version. my first game got deleted in the car I remember. I think I cried a bit. I had a Sceptile Lv91 for God's sake. Of course you'd be sad about that.
Now I bought a Nintendo DS Lite (Ice Blue evrsion) on October 26th 2006. It will NEVER die. The first game played on the GBA Game Pak slot was Super Street Fighter II X Revival (Japanese, but ORIGINAL) and the first game played on the DS Game Card slot was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (USA and ORIGINAL). It's weird that DS games are never fake. They're all original. I wish pokemon Diamond and Pearl would hurry up and get here in USA English. I'm a Pokemon Fr3@K.
The TAP (Typo Analyzation Program) is still going on. Though I can type at what I think is faster than the speed of sound, I stil make LOTS AND LOTS of typos.
Haha, that's all for today, blog reading ppl! Bye! ;)
Saturday, 25 November 2006
OK...Not really much today...
Yeah, I don't really have much to say today. But I'll post some stuff. I can explain now.
This is the most successful entertainer of all time: MICHAEL JACKSON.

He performed the most bestselling concert in Malaysia up to date. The HIStory World Tour, in October 1996. I think that MJ is totally innocent and didn't do anything wrong. He's even recording a new album with will.i.am as I write this post. He also performed one chorus (or at least a line or two) of We Are The World... I just hope he goes on tour again... If he does, I'm gonna buy front seat tickets.
This is the new design for the Pokemon cards. This is a Manaphy card from the recent Diamond and Pearl trading card game expansion in Japan that wa released somewhere in October. As you can see, the Pokedex data and Level on the card have returned. The damage affected by Weakness and resistance is not necessarily x2 or -30. Like on the card down there, its Weakness is Lightning, and it says for Lighting attacks the damage is +30. So, I think this makes the game A WHOLE LOT more fair. There's also something new, but I don't really wanna post that. You can look at http://www.serebii.net/ for video game info and http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/ for card info.

This is my future team that I will try to train in Pokemon Diamond when I get it in 2007.

Deoxys...I want it...I'll get it via WiFi, if possible...
The three starters are all must-haves.
And Diaruga is a typical team member of anyone who plays Pokemon Diamond, I mean, it's so powerful. Who wouldn't wanna have it? ;)
OK, I gotta go have breakfast now. Bye!
This is the most successful entertainer of all time: MICHAEL JACKSON.
He performed the most bestselling concert in Malaysia up to date. The HIStory World Tour, in October 1996. I think that MJ is totally innocent and didn't do anything wrong. He's even recording a new album with will.i.am as I write this post. He also performed one chorus (or at least a line or two) of We Are The World... I just hope he goes on tour again... If he does, I'm gonna buy front seat tickets.
This is the new design for the Pokemon cards. This is a Manaphy card from the recent Diamond and Pearl trading card game expansion in Japan that wa released somewhere in October. As you can see, the Pokedex data and Level on the card have returned. The damage affected by Weakness and resistance is not necessarily x2 or -30. Like on the card down there, its Weakness is Lightning, and it says for Lighting attacks the damage is +30. So, I think this makes the game A WHOLE LOT more fair. There's also something new, but I don't really wanna post that. You can look at http://www.serebii.net/ for video game info and http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/ for card info.
This is my future team that I will try to train in Pokemon Diamond when I get it in 2007.
Deoxys...I want it...I'll get it via WiFi, if possible...
The three starters are all must-haves.
And Diaruga is a typical team member of anyone who plays Pokemon Diamond, I mean, it's so powerful. Who wouldn't wanna have it? ;)
OK, I gotta go have breakfast now. Bye!
Friday, 24 November 2006
I can finally host images! Yay...
Haha, I finally got myself a photobucket account.
Now I can host images.
Here is a picture of my DS Lite. Not took by me, I got it from Google Images.
Lol, what the heck, they look exactly the same anyway.

Can you see it?
If yes: YAY!!!
If no: NO!!!
...I've decided to stop the What I'm Listening To thingy. It's too annoying.
Heh, DotA is still good. i can't seem to win against Ro or Steph though. =(
On the other hand, I saw a Polar White DS ltie on display at Sungei Wang Plaza too. It was cool. I WISH I HAD A FILLER! :'(
Ro said he'll get his DS lite as soona s his dad gets his paycheck.
And, we came up with a scheme. We won't need to buy a wireless router after all. We can just use a miracle called the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. This miraculous device is something you put in your ocmputer's USB port to enable WiFi connection via your Nintendo DS/Nintendo DS Lite. Up to five DS systems can connect to the Nintendo WiFI Connection using this miracle. I'M GONNA BUY IT FOR POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL!
Lol, sorry i didn't update yesterday. It's 1:09 AM and I decided to return. lol. Sorry. I'll update later. Bye...
Now I can host images.
Here is a picture of my DS Lite. Not took by me, I got it from Google Images.
Lol, what the heck, they look exactly the same anyway.
Can you see it?
If yes: YAY!!!
If no: NO!!!
...I've decided to stop the What I'm Listening To thingy. It's too annoying.
Heh, DotA is still good. i can't seem to win against Ro or Steph though. =(
On the other hand, I saw a Polar White DS ltie on display at Sungei Wang Plaza too. It was cool. I WISH I HAD A FILLER! :'(
Ro said he'll get his DS lite as soona s his dad gets his paycheck.
And, we came up with a scheme. We won't need to buy a wireless router after all. We can just use a miracle called the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector. This miraculous device is something you put in your ocmputer's USB port to enable WiFi connection via your Nintendo DS/Nintendo DS Lite. Up to five DS systems can connect to the Nintendo WiFI Connection using this miracle. I'M GONNA BUY IT FOR POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL!
Lol, sorry i didn't update yesterday. It's 1:09 AM and I decided to return. lol. Sorry. I'll update later. Bye...
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Today is...
Today is...exceptional.
For those of you who know me, it SORRY!
For all of you, today was exceptional because I wan't online day in and day out. Lol.
I had PIANO AFFAIRS. Don't ask. I don't like talking about it.
I will tough, because even those who read my blog...you all know I'm W3!rD, come on. IGNORE WHAT THAT STUPID BLOGTHINGS QUIZ SAID.
I was using the ocmputer too much, so my mum banned me from using the computer unless I practiced the piano. Lol, don't tell anyone OK? I don't want people thinking I'm a computer zombie... Eeee... :s
Lol. I'm soooooo angry.
First of all, the Flash Supercard wasn't available. There was no stock. And second, the shop didn't sell fillers for my DS lite's GBA slot. If I had control over the owner of my (formerly)loyal game retailer, I WOULD FIRE HIM SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!...
Lol, that's OK, I guess. I can tahan having a game in the GBA Game Pak slot all the time but NOT HAVING THE FLASH SUPERCARD ON SALE is a crime. it is. I would write a paragraph or two(thousand) about that in the Malaysian Law.
And so, I didn't get to play pokemon Diamond/Pearl yet. I wish I could... And because of THE STUPID PIANO, I had to be offline and not be able to play DotA.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lol. I saw the DS games on sale. There were the coolest games. The most notable were New Super Mario Bros., Nintendogs, Pokemon Ranger and Mario Kart DS. But, sadly, my mum didn't let me buy any games.
Hehe, when I buy the Flash Supercard I can put in all sorts of games, for example EVERY EXISTING GBA AND GBC GAME as well as POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL, POKEMON RANGER, NEW SUPER MARIO BROS., NINTENDOGS, ETC.
The only bad part is that the Flash Supercard doesn't support the Nintendo WiFi Connection.
That's all I have to write for today. BYE!
*Hope there weren't any typos...*
For those of you who know me, it SORRY!
For all of you, today was exceptional because I wan't online day in and day out. Lol.
I had PIANO AFFAIRS. Don't ask. I don't like talking about it.
I will tough, because even those who read my blog...you all know I'm W3!rD, come on. IGNORE WHAT THAT STUPID BLOGTHINGS QUIZ SAID.
I was using the ocmputer too much, so my mum banned me from using the computer unless I practiced the piano. Lol, don't tell anyone OK? I don't want people thinking I'm a computer zombie... Eeee... :s
Lol. I'm soooooo angry.
First of all, the Flash Supercard wasn't available. There was no stock. And second, the shop didn't sell fillers for my DS lite's GBA slot. If I had control over the owner of my (formerly)loyal game retailer, I WOULD FIRE HIM SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!...
Lol, that's OK, I guess. I can tahan having a game in the GBA Game Pak slot all the time but NOT HAVING THE FLASH SUPERCARD ON SALE is a crime. it is. I would write a paragraph or two(thousand) about that in the Malaysian Law.
And so, I didn't get to play pokemon Diamond/Pearl yet. I wish I could... And because of THE STUPID PIANO, I had to be offline and not be able to play DotA.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Lol. I saw the DS games on sale. There were the coolest games. The most notable were New Super Mario Bros., Nintendogs, Pokemon Ranger and Mario Kart DS. But, sadly, my mum didn't let me buy any games.
Hehe, when I buy the Flash Supercard I can put in all sorts of games, for example EVERY EXISTING GBA AND GBC GAME as well as POKEMON DIAMOND AND PEARL, POKEMON RANGER, NEW SUPER MARIO BROS., NINTENDOGS, ETC.
The only bad part is that the Flash Supercard doesn't support the Nintendo WiFi Connection.
That's all I have to write for today. BYE!
*Hope there weren't any typos...*
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
... ... ...
I may be getting it soon...
My dear supercard, you I promise you that I will try to minimize the long period of time you have to wait to get a new owner! ^_^'
Hehe, Chris's gonna train me to be a good melee user. I wanna use Rexxar, the Beastmaster. He has ONE COOL ULTI. I also ned to know how to use Zeus, the Lord Of Olympia. I should buy Aghanim's Scepter more often.
Somebody please help!!! I need to get through the Buried Relic!
If you don't know, the Buried Relic is a dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (GBA) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (DS) that's 99 FLOORS BIG and has Regirock on the 15th floor, Regice on the 25th floor and Registeel on the 35th floor. Once you get the Rock Part, Ice Part and Steel part that the regis were guarding (they'll appear once you beat them), some item will be constructed and when you have that item in your inventory you'll be able to find Mew on the 35th-99th floors of that dungeon. The worst part is you have to quicksave your game before you enter that dungeon. This dungeon can only be accessed after you have beaten the following bosses in the game: Skarmory at Mt. Steel, Zapdos at Mt. Thunder, Moltres at Mt. Blaze, Articuno at Frosty Forest, Groudon at Magma Cavern, Rayquaza at Sky Tower and Kyogre at Stormy Sea. If anyone has come this far in their Mystery Dungeon games, please give me a call! I really need help for this dungeon. ... ... Email me at khaielaash@yahoo.co.uk if you think you can help. I've already lost all of my Reviver Seeds and Max Elixirs with this dungeon...
I'm gonna start What I'm Listening To, a copied version of the Song Of The Day on Steph's blog. Lol. Sorry Steph. You can go to her blog at http://snarkie.blogspot.com/
It's really nice. She edits it every day. ...Or, at least she did. I hope she doesn't stop blogging altogether because of that stupid Johnson guy...
The Typo Analyzation Program is still going on and I will not stop the Typo Analyzation Program (TAP) until I can type faster than lightning and until I never make any typos or other mistakes when I type.
Does it feel weird to you people that I'm a #1 Michael Jackson fan? I think I'm his #1 fan in Hoenn (Malaysia).
Lol, I'm gonna watch some RDMs soon. RDMs are Recent Decent Movies. A short form invented by my friend Rohan. He has a blog that's updated regularly too. I'm gonna watch Flushed Away. Anyway, if you want a bit of a summary, then go to his blog:
Why am i posting links to so many blogs today? :s
Lol. I wanna watch RDMs. Maybe Open Season. I have no idea what its like. I was lazy to read the summary on Ro's blog. OK< I gotta go! Chris's gonna give me pointers and train me a bit on how to use Melee heroes in DotA!!!
What I'm Listening To:
The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
Please don't be offended that 80% of the songs posted here have a chance of being sung by Michael Jackson.
...Anyway, The Way You make Me Feel is a good song. It's in Michael Jackson's Bad album, which has been crowned the #2 Most Bestselling Album Of All Time. OF ALL TIME. The album released befpre Bad, Thriller, was crowned the #1 Most Bestselling Album Of All Time. OF ALL TIME. THE #1 MOST BESTSELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME. And those titles still remain till this day...
OK, bye! ;D
My dear supercard, you I promise you that I will try to minimize the long period of time you have to wait to get a new owner! ^_^'
Hehe, Chris's gonna train me to be a good melee user. I wanna use Rexxar, the Beastmaster. He has ONE COOL ULTI. I also ned to know how to use Zeus, the Lord Of Olympia. I should buy Aghanim's Scepter more often.
Somebody please help!!! I need to get through the Buried Relic!
If you don't know, the Buried Relic is a dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (GBA) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (DS) that's 99 FLOORS BIG and has Regirock on the 15th floor, Regice on the 25th floor and Registeel on the 35th floor. Once you get the Rock Part, Ice Part and Steel part that the regis were guarding (they'll appear once you beat them), some item will be constructed and when you have that item in your inventory you'll be able to find Mew on the 35th-99th floors of that dungeon. The worst part is you have to quicksave your game before you enter that dungeon. This dungeon can only be accessed after you have beaten the following bosses in the game: Skarmory at Mt. Steel, Zapdos at Mt. Thunder, Moltres at Mt. Blaze, Articuno at Frosty Forest, Groudon at Magma Cavern, Rayquaza at Sky Tower and Kyogre at Stormy Sea. If anyone has come this far in their Mystery Dungeon games, please give me a call! I really need help for this dungeon. ... ... Email me at khaielaash@yahoo.co.uk if you think you can help. I've already lost all of my Reviver Seeds and Max Elixirs with this dungeon...
I'm gonna start What I'm Listening To, a copied version of the Song Of The Day on Steph's blog. Lol. Sorry Steph. You can go to her blog at http://snarkie.blogspot.com/
It's really nice. She edits it every day. ...Or, at least she did. I hope she doesn't stop blogging altogether because of that stupid Johnson guy...
The Typo Analyzation Program is still going on and I will not stop the Typo Analyzation Program (TAP) until I can type faster than lightning and until I never make any typos or other mistakes when I type.
Does it feel weird to you people that I'm a #1 Michael Jackson fan? I think I'm his #1 fan in Hoenn (Malaysia).
Lol, I'm gonna watch some RDMs soon. RDMs are Recent Decent Movies. A short form invented by my friend Rohan. He has a blog that's updated regularly too. I'm gonna watch Flushed Away. Anyway, if you want a bit of a summary, then go to his blog:
Why am i posting links to so many blogs today? :s
Lol. I wanna watch RDMs. Maybe Open Season. I have no idea what its like. I was lazy to read the summary on Ro's blog. OK< I gotta go! Chris's gonna give me pointers and train me a bit on how to use Melee heroes in DotA!!!
What I'm Listening To:
The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
Please don't be offended that 80% of the songs posted here have a chance of being sung by Michael Jackson.
...Anyway, The Way You make Me Feel is a good song. It's in Michael Jackson's Bad album, which has been crowned the #2 Most Bestselling Album Of All Time. OF ALL TIME. The album released befpre Bad, Thriller, was crowned the #1 Most Bestselling Album Of All Time. OF ALL TIME. THE #1 MOST BESTSELLING ALBUM OF ALL TIME. And those titles still remain till this day...
OK, bye! ;D
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Hehe. Hahaha. HAHAHA!!!!!!
HAHAHA!!!!!!!...er, nothing. Lol.
I just read Steph's friend Yi Ling's blog. SHE LIKES POKEMON! SO MANY POKEMON LOVERS OUT THERE!!!!!!!! YAYNESS!!!!
You know when I met Steph and Ro and Jun Yan and some others which I may purposely not mention or forget to mention, I had absolutely no idea that they liked Pokemon. I had absolutely no idea. I thought I was the only person in the world addicted to Pokemon and I didn't know anyone else other than me and some of my school friends liked it. I mean, I knew there were millions of fans but I didn't know I'd know anyone else other than in school who liked Pokemon. Wow, I was really wrong huh? Now I hear that both Steph and Ro are getting DS Lites. And the only main reason they're getting DS Lites is for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Lol. They play cards, too.
Haha, I earned myself the title of a Pokemon Fr3@K. Actually, I'm not a master trainer with super powerful Pokemon. I've only trained 3 level 100s in my whole life. Walrein, Rayquaza and Kyogre. Most of my friends have at least 1 level 100 but some have more than 6. I have no idea how they train Pokemon THAT strong. I know everything a human needs to know about Pokemon. Go ahead, quiz me. Not ultra weird stuff like what are Togepi's base stats? Lol, back to the topic.
Maybe it's because they defeat the League a billion times without using Exp. Share. For me, once I defeat the League and find that I can take out one useless Pokemon from my party, I put in useless ones and defeat the League billions of times with Exp. Share attached to the useless ones so that I can train them so they can evolve. Thus by doing this, I complete my National Dex step by step. However, they only catch Pokemon that they pass as useful. Otherwise, their Pokedexes remain lousy. Except for one trainer. Arif Esa. He trains Pokemon to level 100. ANY POKEMON HE FINDS. He even bothered to train a lame one like PRIMEAPE to level 100. I mean, who would train a Primeape to level 100? Now, every single one of my friends and my relatives know me as a Pokemona addict. It's my life.
My imaginations, fantasies and interests are a small little world which is a mixture mainly consisting of Michael Jackson and Pokemon. Lol, I am sooo W3!rD.
I love Pokemon so much, it's all I ever think about. Yes, talk about it with my friends, my family, inanimate objects, everything! I even talk to my DS Lite about it! XD
The TAP is still here. If you detect any typos within this blog post or future blog posts, I give everyone who reads/read/will read this blog any and every right to kill, annoy or in any other case, hurt me excessively. Lol. harsh, ain't I? ;)
Lol, I think that's enough to blog about for today. or maybe not.
I didn't get the SuperCard today but I will! Eventually! ;D
I just read Steph's friend Yi Ling's blog. SHE LIKES POKEMON! SO MANY POKEMON LOVERS OUT THERE!!!!!!!! YAYNESS!!!!
You know when I met Steph and Ro and Jun Yan and some others which I may purposely not mention or forget to mention, I had absolutely no idea that they liked Pokemon. I had absolutely no idea. I thought I was the only person in the world addicted to Pokemon and I didn't know anyone else other than me and some of my school friends liked it. I mean, I knew there were millions of fans but I didn't know I'd know anyone else other than in school who liked Pokemon. Wow, I was really wrong huh? Now I hear that both Steph and Ro are getting DS Lites. And the only main reason they're getting DS Lites is for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Lol. They play cards, too.
Haha, I earned myself the title of a Pokemon Fr3@K. Actually, I'm not a master trainer with super powerful Pokemon. I've only trained 3 level 100s in my whole life. Walrein, Rayquaza and Kyogre. Most of my friends have at least 1 level 100 but some have more than 6. I have no idea how they train Pokemon THAT strong. I know everything a human needs to know about Pokemon. Go ahead, quiz me. Not ultra weird stuff like what are Togepi's base stats? Lol, back to the topic.
Maybe it's because they defeat the League a billion times without using Exp. Share. For me, once I defeat the League and find that I can take out one useless Pokemon from my party, I put in useless ones and defeat the League billions of times with Exp. Share attached to the useless ones so that I can train them so they can evolve. Thus by doing this, I complete my National Dex step by step. However, they only catch Pokemon that they pass as useful. Otherwise, their Pokedexes remain lousy. Except for one trainer. Arif Esa. He trains Pokemon to level 100. ANY POKEMON HE FINDS. He even bothered to train a lame one like PRIMEAPE to level 100. I mean, who would train a Primeape to level 100? Now, every single one of my friends and my relatives know me as a Pokemona addict. It's my life.
My imaginations, fantasies and interests are a small little world which is a mixture mainly consisting of Michael Jackson and Pokemon. Lol, I am sooo W3!rD.
I love Pokemon so much, it's all I ever think about. Yes, talk about it with my friends, my family, inanimate objects, everything! I even talk to my DS Lite about it! XD
The TAP is still here. If you detect any typos within this blog post or future blog posts, I give everyone who reads/read/will read this blog any and every right to kill, annoy or in any other case, hurt me excessively. Lol. harsh, ain't I? ;)
Lol, I think that's enough to blog about for today. or maybe not.
I didn't get the SuperCard today but I will! Eventually! ;D
Haha! I'm gonna be a good DotA player soon! XD
Hehe, I defeated one Insane with the computer and I almost defeated Ro and Steph. Well, for the match against Steph, it wasn't really win or lose. It was more like a draw but Steph got the most kills so I think the victory should go to Steph. For the match vs Ro, it wasn't him who won but it was his creepies! HIS CREEPIES! He didn't use startegy. He just had super-ultra-mega powerful creepies. Lol. They destroyed the Frozen Throne without my noticing.
Steph's friend (and DotA mentor) Chris trained me to be a good DotA player. I have to learn to be an expert at using the Crystal Maiden. And after that I'm gonna start training myself to be a good Enigma user. And then I'll be a good Viper (Netherdrake) user. Gradually I'll become a master player.
I have also started the TAP. Don't think It means tap as in something provides water... TAP stands for the Typo Analyzation Program. It has officially been launched in my blog as of today. I will analyze my posts before publishing them and see if there are any typos. Then, I will correct every single one of those horrible, ugly typos.
I have decided not to try and buy an N-Gage QD because it's dead. So, I'm buying a DS/DS Lite Flash card instead. It's a sort of blank game card that's rewritable. OK, let me explain. See, a Flash Card is a blank rewritable cartridge. You can make backups of your game files on the computer or you can put ROMs that you downlaod from the Internet in them. That way, it offers INFINITE gameplay worlds.
But the only disadvantage is that it does not support the Nintendo WiFi Connection. That's the only problem. But even if it did, it's not gonna stop me from buying an original USA English Pokemon Diamond Version! XD
I'm so excited... My posts seem extra long today. I'm gonna put in SOO MUCH of games. But the only problem is space limitations. Lol. You can even play NES ROMs, GBC ROMs, GBA ROMs, and the most obvious and most tre-importante part, NDS ROMs. I love this! I'm gonna ask my mum to arrange for us to go and buy it as soon as humanly possible. THIS IS GONNA BE SOOO GREAT!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ahhhhh...YES! YAYNESS! YAYNESS!!! YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't help myself. I'm so overexcited. Lol. I'm too overexcited. I don't think I'll be able to sleep nicely tonight. I'm gonna arrange for later in the evening if possible! YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if I'm bothering you reading people out there. OK...I'm really gonna be too overexcited to sleep.
Anyway, in the Pokemon Diamond, I'll start with a Naetoru and in the Pearl, I'll start with the Pocchama. or maybe I'll start with Hikozaru. I mean, who would want such an ugly king (emperor) penguin who's type arrangement makes it prone to rusting itself? Lol.
OK, I think I really gotta go now. I don't think my mum will be oK with this...
Bye bye everyone, and happy holidayz!!!
It's no point saying that, becuse I'll probably update later in times where normal people will be online. Lol. Bye! =)
Steph's friend (and DotA mentor) Chris trained me to be a good DotA player. I have to learn to be an expert at using the Crystal Maiden. And after that I'm gonna start training myself to be a good Enigma user. And then I'll be a good Viper (Netherdrake) user. Gradually I'll become a master player.
I have also started the TAP. Don't think It means tap as in something provides water... TAP stands for the Typo Analyzation Program. It has officially been launched in my blog as of today. I will analyze my posts before publishing them and see if there are any typos. Then, I will correct every single one of those horrible, ugly typos.
I have decided not to try and buy an N-Gage QD because it's dead. So, I'm buying a DS/DS Lite Flash card instead. It's a sort of blank game card that's rewritable. OK, let me explain. See, a Flash Card is a blank rewritable cartridge. You can make backups of your game files on the computer or you can put ROMs that you downlaod from the Internet in them. That way, it offers INFINITE gameplay worlds.
But the only disadvantage is that it does not support the Nintendo WiFi Connection. That's the only problem. But even if it did, it's not gonna stop me from buying an original USA English Pokemon Diamond Version! XD
I'm so excited... My posts seem extra long today. I'm gonna put in SOO MUCH of games. But the only problem is space limitations. Lol. You can even play NES ROMs, GBC ROMs, GBA ROMs, and the most obvious and most tre-importante part, NDS ROMs. I love this! I'm gonna ask my mum to arrange for us to go and buy it as soon as humanly possible. THIS IS GONNA BE SOOO GREAT!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Ahhhhh...YES! YAYNESS! YAYNESS!!! YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't help myself. I'm so overexcited. Lol. I'm too overexcited. I don't think I'll be able to sleep nicely tonight. I'm gonna arrange for later in the evening if possible! YAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if I'm bothering you reading people out there. OK...I'm really gonna be too overexcited to sleep.
Anyway, in the Pokemon Diamond, I'll start with a Naetoru and in the Pearl, I'll start with the Pocchama. or maybe I'll start with Hikozaru. I mean, who would want such an ugly king (emperor) penguin who's type arrangement makes it prone to rusting itself? Lol.
OK, I think I really gotta go now. I don't think my mum will be oK with this...
Bye bye everyone, and happy holidayz!!!
It's no point saying that, becuse I'll probably update later in times where normal people will be online. Lol. Bye! =)
Sunday, 19 November 2006
You Are Sunrise |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
Meditation? ;)
You Communicate With Your Ears |
You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker. What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions. You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself. Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod. |
Lol, yeah, I guess that's pretty correct. :)
Your World View |
You are a happy, well-balanced person who likes people and is liked by others. You question whether many conventional views on morality are valid under all circumstances. You are essentially a content person. Sometimes, you consider yourself a little superior. You are moral by your own standards. You believe that morality is what best suits the occasion. |
You Have Fantastic Karma |
You are a kind, sensitive, and giving person. And all your good deeds will pay off - if they haven't already. But you're not so concerned with what you get in return anyway. You have an innate caring nature - and nothing can change that! |
You Should Learn Japanese |
You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture. From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
You Are Very Honest |
You tell it like it is, no matter what. Even if the truth hurts, you'll dish it out. And while some may get hurt by your honesty... At least everyone knows where you stand! |
You Are Chunky Monkey Ice Cream |
Truthfully, you're too spazzy to be chunky - you cheeky monkey! |
You Should Drive a Saturn Sky |
You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona. Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down. |
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
Extroversion: You have high extroversion. You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends. You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation. Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!" Conscientiousness: You have medium conscientiousness. You're generally good at balancing work and play. When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done. But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it. Agreeableness: You have high agreeableness. You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly. Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone. You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance. Neuroticism: You have medium neuroticism. You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic. Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy. Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of. Openness to experience: Your openness to new experiences is low. You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable. You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea. While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise. |
You Are Sunshine |
Soothing and calm You are often held up by others as the ideal But too much of you, and they'll get burned You are best known for: your warmth Your dominant state: connecting |
I think that's enough blogthings for one lifetime.
Whatever. I'll write more tomorrow. Lol.
Saturday, 18 November 2006
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream |
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core. You often find yourself on the outside looking in. Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works. You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream. |
You Are an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie |
On the surface, you're a little plain - but you have many subtle dimensions to your personality. Sometimes you're down to earth and crunchy. Other times, you're sweet and a little gooey. |
You Were a Snake |
You have a primal energy that drives you to explore the mysteries of life. A nearly immortal soul, you'll live a very long life. |
Your Depression Level: 24% |
You may be depressed. While you can be moody, your moods generally fall within the range of normal. It's up to you to decide if you're depressed... or if you're simply having a bad week. |
You Are 54% Perfectionist |
No one would call you a perfectionist, but you definitely have a side of you that strives to be perfect. Try to see your mistakes as learning experiences, and don't be so hard on yourself when you screw up! |
o_O This is soooooo W3!rD!!! XD
You Are 50% Weird |
Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
Ya that's me ;)
You Are 55% Normal |
While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
BUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM WEIRD! I AM WEIRD! NO MATTER WHAT THAT F*CKING BLOGTHINGS SEZ! I AM WEIRD!!! ...or, funny, at least... ... ... ...
Your Hair Should Be Purple |
Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional. You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights. |
Your Brain's Pattern |
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. |
You Are Crimson Red |
Down to earth and warm-hearted, you instantly make everyone feel at ease around you. And while you have an understated passion - you lack the uncontrolled passion of most other reds. You prefer to sit back and enjoy every situation life has to offer. You put an optimistic spin on everything. And even when things are going well, you don't get too amped up. You prefer to keep your emotions as steady as possible. |
OK...That was A LOT of self-discovery. BUT NOT TOO MUCH!
I had to stop this because of lack of time. So, it ocntinues tomorrow! :D
See ya! ;)
Friday, 17 November 2006
Bye bye school...:'(
Bye Bye school!
Today was the last day of school.
I have finished my primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Melawati.
It was a good school, I lived in it for so many mornings and so many afternoons...
Although most friends will move on to SMKTM with me, there are a few who will be going to different schools... And they may be wiped off my life forever... :'(
The grille was broken. Someone tried to break in! And I was fast asleep.
Whoever it was, f*** them. They caused serious damage. Looking out the window in my room will never be the same again...
And someone died. In the morning, while waiting for Uncle Choi (the van driver) to pick me up and send me to school, I noticed an ambulans with its siren lights on near a house which one of the standard 1s in my van's house. I think it was the next door house, though. Or I dunno. What if it really WAS that standard 1's house? Poor Arsyad...
Then, when I was on my way back from school, I saw the ambulans near that house again. It was with its doors open. And a big tent-like roof thingy that they usually put up during weddings and funerals and occasions like that wa sput up there. So I think that whoever was in it died and they were taking out the body and putting it in a coffin.
Yikes, scary.
I lost my phone. Well, not LOST persay. I brought it to school. And then I was using the computer and decided to SMS Ro to come online. Bu then I noticed my phone was gone! So i called my number.
Called once, noone answered. Called the second time, the call was answered, but the one at the other side... I think he cuoldn't hear. Third time, uncle Choi answered. THANK GOD! So he said he'll come and give me back my phone when he reaches my lpace later in the afternoon when he's sending the afternoon school students.
Just recognized that my nickname on Windows Live Messenger had a typo. It was supposed to be "Someone tried to break into my house!" but instead it was "Someone tried to break into my hosue!" It's wo bad. Everytime I type something, it has to have a typo. I just corrected the word Everytime from being ebvrytime. See? I don't know why, but it's just me. i tend to do typos all the time. ALL THE TIME.
BYE BYE SKTM1!!!!!!!!!!!!
*bursts into tears* :'(
DotA is good. I DotA. You DotA (well, if you don't, then you really should).
Ket's DotA.
Well, many completely unexpected things happened today. They all just appeared out of the blue. I never expected my blog posts to ever be so long. I mean, this is LONG for posts from me. Heh, lol.
Please leave comments if you wanna! Bye!
(I GOT 5 AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Today was the last day of school.
I have finished my primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Melawati.
It was a good school, I lived in it for so many mornings and so many afternoons...
Although most friends will move on to SMKTM with me, there are a few who will be going to different schools... And they may be wiped off my life forever... :'(
The grille was broken. Someone tried to break in! And I was fast asleep.
Whoever it was, f*** them. They caused serious damage. Looking out the window in my room will never be the same again...
And someone died. In the morning, while waiting for Uncle Choi (the van driver) to pick me up and send me to school, I noticed an ambulans with its siren lights on near a house which one of the standard 1s in my van's house. I think it was the next door house, though. Or I dunno. What if it really WAS that standard 1's house? Poor Arsyad...
Then, when I was on my way back from school, I saw the ambulans near that house again. It was with its doors open. And a big tent-like roof thingy that they usually put up during weddings and funerals and occasions like that wa sput up there. So I think that whoever was in it died and they were taking out the body and putting it in a coffin.
Yikes, scary.
I lost my phone. Well, not LOST persay. I brought it to school. And then I was using the computer and decided to SMS Ro to come online. Bu then I noticed my phone was gone! So i called my number.
Called once, noone answered. Called the second time, the call was answered, but the one at the other side... I think he cuoldn't hear. Third time, uncle Choi answered. THANK GOD! So he said he'll come and give me back my phone when he reaches my lpace later in the afternoon when he's sending the afternoon school students.
Just recognized that my nickname on Windows Live Messenger had a typo. It was supposed to be "Someone tried to break into my house!" but instead it was "Someone tried to break into my hosue!" It's wo bad. Everytime I type something, it has to have a typo. I just corrected the word Everytime from being ebvrytime. See? I don't know why, but it's just me. i tend to do typos all the time. ALL THE TIME.
BYE BYE SKTM1!!!!!!!!!!!!
*bursts into tears* :'(
DotA is good. I DotA. You DotA (well, if you don't, then you really should).
Ket's DotA.
Well, many completely unexpected things happened today. They all just appeared out of the blue. I never expected my blog posts to ever be so long. I mean, this is LONG for posts from me. Heh, lol.
Please leave comments if you wanna! Bye!
(I GOT 5 AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thursday, 16 November 2006
I GOT 5 AS!!!!!!!!!
Other than that,....
...And did I mention: I GOT 5 AS FOR THE UPSR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I couldn't believe it.
I got it and I stared and I was like, WHOA! YES!!!!!!!!
I called and SMSed every relative on my contact list.
Sorry you guys, I didn't think I had the energy to SMS EVERYONE.
As a treat, we had pizza for dinner.
I love this. My favorite sings right now are Monkey Business and Xscape by Michael Jackson, I Learned From You by Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, and This Is The Life, Best Of Both Worlds, Who Said, Pumpin' Up The Party, Just Like YOu and The Other Side Of Me by Hannah Montana.
I've been recieving thousands of SMSes/calls throughout the day. Now, DotA is very nice. I've been playing with ro, Steph and her friend Chris. But, Chris is tough. NO KIDDING. He can like, DEFEAT THE THREE OF US ALL BY HIMSELF. I DON'T KNOW HOW HE DOES IT.
Well, my mum's in a course in Klang. So she won't be here until later. I wish she could see my results. She knows though, anyway.
And, now that I got 5 As, my grandma's gonna give me RM500. Since I already have RM150 with me right now (I think), I'll buy an N-Gage QD. Besides, my cousin has Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (an ORIGINAL N-GAGE GAME CARD) so since I hate Tony Hawk games, I'll let my friends play that one. But SNAKES. SNAKES IS THE BEST.
So, I lived happily ever after in a world filled with hi-tech stuff. DS Lites, N-Gage QDs and CREATIVE ZEN MICROs.
Hehe ;)
Haha, so I can get MORE stuff. I'm so tech-savvy. ;) (Whatever that means.) Lol.
So now I can get whatever I want. And Denise's coming back from Australia soon.
Ahhhhh...I can relax...my primary education is over...
BUT NOW HAVE TO PREPARE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL. *bites nails in nervousness*
Heh, chow. There's nothing more to post about. I got 5 As.
Other than that,....
...And did I mention: I GOT 5 AS FOR THE UPSR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I couldn't believe it.
I got it and I stared and I was like, WHOA! YES!!!!!!!!
I called and SMSed every relative on my contact list.
Sorry you guys, I didn't think I had the energy to SMS EVERYONE.
As a treat, we had pizza for dinner.
I love this. My favorite sings right now are Monkey Business and Xscape by Michael Jackson, I Learned From You by Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, and This Is The Life, Best Of Both Worlds, Who Said, Pumpin' Up The Party, Just Like YOu and The Other Side Of Me by Hannah Montana.
I've been recieving thousands of SMSes/calls throughout the day. Now, DotA is very nice. I've been playing with ro, Steph and her friend Chris. But, Chris is tough. NO KIDDING. He can like, DEFEAT THE THREE OF US ALL BY HIMSELF. I DON'T KNOW HOW HE DOES IT.
Well, my mum's in a course in Klang. So she won't be here until later. I wish she could see my results. She knows though, anyway.
And, now that I got 5 As, my grandma's gonna give me RM500. Since I already have RM150 with me right now (I think), I'll buy an N-Gage QD. Besides, my cousin has Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (an ORIGINAL N-GAGE GAME CARD) so since I hate Tony Hawk games, I'll let my friends play that one. But SNAKES. SNAKES IS THE BEST.
So, I lived happily ever after in a world filled with hi-tech stuff. DS Lites, N-Gage QDs and CREATIVE ZEN MICROs.
Hehe ;)
Haha, so I can get MORE stuff. I'm so tech-savvy. ;) (Whatever that means.) Lol.
So now I can get whatever I want. And Denise's coming back from Australia soon.
Ahhhhh...I can relax...my primary education is over...
BUT NOW HAVE TO PREPARE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL. *bites nails in nervousness*
Heh, chow. There's nothing more to post about. I got 5 As.
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Sorry again.
Sheesh. Sorry i din't update. i can't believe how lazy I am.
Yish, I went to school today and it was a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. I thought just go ony la...nothing will happen...but it turns out that today is Hari Anugerah Cemerlang!
And as a result, I ended up being trapped in he school for 3 hours. THREE WHOLE HOURS JUST SITTING DOWN AND WATCHING JEALOUSLY AT OTHER PPL WITH GBAS.
Lol, I walked back an hour or so early to prevent making today the most boring day of my life. RESULTS OUT TOMORROW! *bites nails in scaredness*
BTW, scaredness isn't a real word. I created it myself. You N0Rm!3$ shouldn't use this word if you wanna pass your English tests.
My mum's on a course. She'll be back on Saturday I think.
Did you guys know how hard the final boss in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is? I mean, I can't defeat him in like, 1000 tries.
I wish i could go to Sungei wang soono and buy a new filler for my GBA slot...playing a DS game just doesn't seem right with the GBA game jutting out like that. PLaying GBA games are fun. You'll notice colors* you never thought existed.
*I use USA English because I like it best. but the English language spoken in malaysia is UK English.
I DOWNLAODED AL THE MJ SONGS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I'm so hyped up.
If I get 5 As, then I'll get RM500. Which will be enough to get, like, say, a new phone, perhaps? XD
I'll die when I finally get a color phone.
Steph writes the funniest blog entries I've ever read. XD
Speaking of Steph, Denise's coming back soon. Yay! Can DotA with her.
Can DotA with Hamachi with everyone I know now. T#@NK$ R0 U D@ BE$T!!!
I wanna buy original CDs. I SO want to. I wanna buy Nintendogs. Maybe I won't buy DS games but buy a new phone, or vice versa...Help me decide, somebody?
The DS Lite is SOOO fingerprinty. I wipe it very often. But it still gets fingerprinty. every time I hold it, it gets fingerprinty. I wish DS lites were less easily smudged.
Sigh, I wish I could play DotA with Steph and her friends using Hamachi. Something's wrong with the stupid Hamachi. F*ck it for being so disfunctional.
Anyway, that's OK, I guess. Chow.
Yish, I went to school today and it was a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. I thought just go ony la...nothing will happen...but it turns out that today is Hari Anugerah Cemerlang!
And as a result, I ended up being trapped in he school for 3 hours. THREE WHOLE HOURS JUST SITTING DOWN AND WATCHING JEALOUSLY AT OTHER PPL WITH GBAS.
Lol, I walked back an hour or so early to prevent making today the most boring day of my life. RESULTS OUT TOMORROW! *bites nails in scaredness*
BTW, scaredness isn't a real word. I created it myself. You N0Rm!3$ shouldn't use this word if you wanna pass your English tests.
My mum's on a course. She'll be back on Saturday I think.
Did you guys know how hard the final boss in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is? I mean, I can't defeat him in like, 1000 tries.
I wish i could go to Sungei wang soono and buy a new filler for my GBA slot...playing a DS game just doesn't seem right with the GBA game jutting out like that. PLaying GBA games are fun. You'll notice colors* you never thought existed.
*I use USA English because I like it best. but the English language spoken in malaysia is UK English.
I DOWNLAODED AL THE MJ SONGS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I'm so hyped up.
If I get 5 As, then I'll get RM500. Which will be enough to get, like, say, a new phone, perhaps? XD
I'll die when I finally get a color phone.
Steph writes the funniest blog entries I've ever read. XD
Speaking of Steph, Denise's coming back soon. Yay! Can DotA with her.
Can DotA with Hamachi with everyone I know now. T#@NK$ R0 U D@ BE$T!!!
I wanna buy original CDs. I SO want to. I wanna buy Nintendogs. Maybe I won't buy DS games but buy a new phone, or vice versa...Help me decide, somebody?
The DS Lite is SOOO fingerprinty. I wipe it very often. But it still gets fingerprinty. every time I hold it, it gets fingerprinty. I wish DS lites were less easily smudged.
Sigh, I wish I could play DotA with Steph and her friends using Hamachi. Something's wrong with the stupid Hamachi. F*ck it for being so disfunctional.
Anyway, that's OK, I guess. Chow.
Monday, 13 November 2006
Is it just me or did I just not post 2 TIMES?
Sorry, you guys anyway...
I was sick. But now I'm still wheezing...

I'm making quite a bit of progress in Zelda lately...but I'm using a FAQ :p Duh. I don't think anyone who plays Zelda got through without a FAQ. Except for those few people with brains equal to supercomputers that wrote the FAQs.
I SAW A VIDEO OF MICHAEL JACKSON RECORDING HIS NEW ALBUM!!!!!! THE KING OF POP'S BACK Y'ALL!!! I'm still a MJ fan, whether you like it or not. But there's one W3!rD part.
Michael Jackson [KING OF POP] is recording an album and will.i.am [Black Eyed Peas leader] is helping him to produce the album.
MJ'S TEAMING UP WITH WILL.I.AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never thought I would see the day... Michael jackson said he wouldn't be doing anymore concerts and said he'd stop making albums in 2001 (I think)...But now, he's finally back! He's performing again, and he's even making a new album!
I never thought Id see this day... *cries*
And Ro said he may get a DS lite as soon as next week! Well, I guess there's something to loook forward to.
Everyone says they're gonna be getting DS Lites now. But they don't have them yet. But still, I can wait for that day when nobody in this universe would be caugfht dead playing GBAs/GBASPs but everyone would be seen playing DSs and DS Lites.
But Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are making DS and DS Lite sales go through the roof.
Sheesh, I finally got that annoying sticker completely off my DS Lite. It spoiled the sleek look of it.
There's very very very bad news. I LOST THE FILLER FOR MY DS LITE'S GBA GAME PAK SLOT!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( WAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since Steph, Shan Shan and Vimal were the people last seen with the DS Lite other than me, I'm making it their responsibility to FIND THE FILLER CARTRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
I like it to look sleeek. But, since the only game I actually play now is Zelda, which is a GBA game, I don't really need the filler. Lol. But anyways, I still need them to find it for me ASAP. Of course, they will get my full cooperation.
That's all to update for today. Remember to check
for the latest Pokemon news!
Bye. I'll try my best to update tomorrow.
Is it just me or did I just not post 2 TIMES?
Sorry, you guys anyway...
I was sick. But now I'm still wheezing...

I'm making quite a bit of progress in Zelda lately...but I'm using a FAQ :p Duh. I don't think anyone who plays Zelda got through without a FAQ. Except for those few people with brains equal to supercomputers that wrote the FAQs.
I SAW A VIDEO OF MICHAEL JACKSON RECORDING HIS NEW ALBUM!!!!!! THE KING OF POP'S BACK Y'ALL!!! I'm still a MJ fan, whether you like it or not. But there's one W3!rD part.
Michael Jackson [KING OF POP] is recording an album and will.i.am [Black Eyed Peas leader] is helping him to produce the album.
MJ'S TEAMING UP WITH WILL.I.AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never thought I would see the day... Michael jackson said he wouldn't be doing anymore concerts and said he'd stop making albums in 2001 (I think)...But now, he's finally back! He's performing again, and he's even making a new album!
I never thought Id see this day... *cries*
And Ro said he may get a DS lite as soon as next week! Well, I guess there's something to loook forward to.
Everyone says they're gonna be getting DS Lites now. But they don't have them yet. But still, I can wait for that day when nobody in this universe would be caugfht dead playing GBAs/GBASPs but everyone would be seen playing DSs and DS Lites.
But Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are making DS and DS Lite sales go through the roof.
Sheesh, I finally got that annoying sticker completely off my DS Lite. It spoiled the sleek look of it.
There's very very very bad news. I LOST THE FILLER FOR MY DS LITE'S GBA GAME PAK SLOT!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( WAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since Steph, Shan Shan and Vimal were the people last seen with the DS Lite other than me, I'm making it their responsibility to FIND THE FILLER CARTRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
I like it to look sleeek. But, since the only game I actually play now is Zelda, which is a GBA game, I don't really need the filler. Lol. But anyways, I still need them to find it for me ASAP. Of course, they will get my full cooperation.
That's all to update for today. Remember to check
for the latest Pokemon news!
Bye. I'll try my best to update tomorrow.
Saturday, 11 November 2006
Another post...Big deal...
Meh, I have to play my DS Lite at its brightest brightness level so that i can waste its battery thus making its power turn to red making me have to charge it and make its battery power full. BUT IT WON'T GO RED!!! :'(
Pokemon's finally getting more and more advanced even in the US. I can't wait till the 4th generation come to the US and here.
Results coming...Nervous...:(
... ... ...
I wish I had Nintendogs I wanna ask my mum to buy it. If I get 5As, then I'll get RM500 which will be enough to buy...ANYTHING! YAY! YAY!
If I don't... ...BYE BYE MY DS LITE! :'( WAAAAH!!!!!!!
If I get RM500 it'll be enough to buy Nintendogs as wel as not only Pokemon Diamond, but Pokemon Pearl as well! I wanna get those games!
So, there's nothing much today. If anyone wants to recommend some songs to me, I say:
Hannah Montana craze going on right now. DO NOT DISTURB
That 's all I have to say for now, I guess.
Oh yes. Ro said his dad said he'll get his DS lite during the holidays! I CAN'T WAIT!
I'll finally have someone to chat with on Pictochat! Yaaay!
I guess that'll have to be all. C ya =)
Pokemon's finally getting more and more advanced even in the US. I can't wait till the 4th generation come to the US and here.
Results coming...Nervous...:(
... ... ...
I wish I had Nintendogs I wanna ask my mum to buy it. If I get 5As, then I'll get RM500 which will be enough to buy...ANYTHING! YAY! YAY!
If I don't... ...BYE BYE MY DS LITE! :'( WAAAAH!!!!!!!
If I get RM500 it'll be enough to buy Nintendogs as wel as not only Pokemon Diamond, but Pokemon Pearl as well! I wanna get those games!
So, there's nothing much today. If anyone wants to recommend some songs to me, I say:
Hannah Montana craze going on right now. DO NOT DISTURB
That 's all I have to say for now, I guess.
Oh yes. Ro said his dad said he'll get his DS lite during the holidays! I CAN'T WAIT!
I'll finally have someone to chat with on Pictochat! Yaaay!
I guess that'll have to be all. C ya =)
Friday, 10 November 2006
Sorry i didn't post yesterday.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday.
Meh, i don't wanna type that special e. Pokemon's enough.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl US release date is MAY 27!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S SO LATE!!! :'( I have to wait sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long... :'(
I love PCD. I can't stop myself.
UPSR results are coming Monday-Wednesday!!!!!!
I'm so scared :'(.
Rohan didn't get an A, he got 79. So because he's desperate to get his DS Lite, he said he's gonna ask his teacher to give him 1 pity mark. Lol. And I thought I was pathetic.
I'm gonna let her OWN the DS lite before collective as a present. Ro's present is pretty pathetic. He said he's gonna let her play his DS lite for 1 hour when he gets it. That's what he calls a PRESENT? Oh, come on. She's his sister. He's got to get her a good present. ...Say, a DS Lite? Lol.
Nowadays, school's a boring waste of time. I wanna sleep, but my school doesn't provide very comfortable sleeping positions in class. Lol.
I guess that's all for today. IF I GET 5As I CAN BUY NINTENDOGS!!!
Heh, I'll keep y'all updated.
Meh, i don't wanna type that special e. Pokemon's enough.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl US release date is MAY 27!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S SO LATE!!! :'( I have to wait sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long... :'(
I love PCD. I can't stop myself.
UPSR results are coming Monday-Wednesday!!!!!!
I'm so scared :'(.
Rohan didn't get an A, he got 79. So because he's desperate to get his DS Lite, he said he's gonna ask his teacher to give him 1 pity mark. Lol. And I thought I was pathetic.
I'm gonna let her OWN the DS lite before collective as a present. Ro's present is pretty pathetic. He said he's gonna let her play his DS lite for 1 hour when he gets it. That's what he calls a PRESENT? Oh, come on. She's his sister. He's got to get her a good present. ...Say, a DS Lite? Lol.
Nowadays, school's a boring waste of time. I wanna sleep, but my school doesn't provide very comfortable sleeping positions in class. Lol.
I guess that's all for today. IF I GET 5As I CAN BUY NINTENDOGS!!!
Heh, I'll keep y'all updated.
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
OK...It was OK, I guess...
Hm...I went to school...And brought the DS Lite...sure, it attracted a lot of attention and I've arranged for my friend to try and bring his link cable so I can trade him some Pokémon. With Cheong's FireRed, I mean. He wants Charmander and I want Torchic.
Yeah, I guess bringing the DS lite to school is OK...since we were all placed in one classroom, there wasn't much problems, it was fun, really. Three others brought their GBAs.
Yeah, so I guess it's quite OK. ... I'M BRINGING IT TOMORROW!!!
I downloaded this cool remix of Fur Elise. It sounds cool, really. I also seem to be in love with That Girl, the soundtrack for Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, sung by Lindsay Lohan.
Well, today my mum's going to Sungei Wantg Plaza to buy me clothes for Form 1 next year. I'm gonna try and ask her to buy me another game; NINTENDOGS! Yay Yay yay... I hope I can though....
Well, I guess that's all for today...OK...I'll post again tomorrow...
Yeah, I guess bringing the DS lite to school is OK...since we were all placed in one classroom, there wasn't much problems, it was fun, really. Three others brought their GBAs.
Yeah, so I guess it's quite OK. ... I'M BRINGING IT TOMORROW!!!
I downloaded this cool remix of Fur Elise. It sounds cool, really. I also seem to be in love with That Girl, the soundtrack for Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, sung by Lindsay Lohan.
Well, today my mum's going to Sungei Wantg Plaza to buy me clothes for Form 1 next year. I'm gonna try and ask her to buy me another game; NINTENDOGS! Yay Yay yay... I hope I can though....
Well, I guess that's all for today...OK...I'll post again tomorrow...
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
School's BORING.
Yeah, pretty much that. School's BORING. I pontengd school today. Cause there's nothing ot do. Besides, everyone went to Taiping for lawatan.
Some friends bring their GBAs, phones, and mp3/mp4 players regularly.
I didn't want to even TRY and bring my DS Lite because it's so risky and besides, someone might TOUCH IT! Lol
Ro made a blog. Laksh made a blog. Have I started, like, a new trend or something?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Today, I defeated Groudon and Rayquaza in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, I'm a Charmeleon now. But in Mystery Dungeon, Charmeleon looks surprisingly and overwhelmingly UGLY.
I mean, it's uglidity* scares me.
So, now, I have to go to the Stormy Sea and fight...guess who? Is it Deoxys? No. Jirachi? No. Mew? No. Mewtwo? DEFINITELY NOT. THEN!??? Answer: KYOGRE.
It's dungeon is so weak but now I have to fight KYOGRE. I'm gonna die :(
So, I guess thats all for today, I'll update later tomorrow.
Some friends bring their GBAs, phones, and mp3/mp4 players regularly.
I didn't want to even TRY and bring my DS Lite because it's so risky and besides, someone might TOUCH IT! Lol
Ro made a blog. Laksh made a blog. Have I started, like, a new trend or something?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Today, I defeated Groudon and Rayquaza in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, I'm a Charmeleon now. But in Mystery Dungeon, Charmeleon looks surprisingly and overwhelmingly UGLY.
I mean, it's uglidity* scares me.
So, now, I have to go to the Stormy Sea and fight...guess who? Is it Deoxys? No. Jirachi? No. Mew? No. Mewtwo? DEFINITELY NOT. THEN!??? Answer: KYOGRE.
It's dungeon is so weak but now I have to fight KYOGRE. I'm gonna die :(
So, I guess thats all for today, I'll update later tomorrow.
Monday, 6 November 2006
Post #4
OK, the birthday party was OK...
The worst part first.
I gave Eugene a RM30 TopUp only to find out that he used Post Paid!!! :'( :'(
But the rest was nice. I had lots and LOTS of sate. I dipped marble cake in sate kuah and ate it. Lol. And my friends ate spaghetti with sate kuah (NO FAIR! THEY COPIED MY IDEA!)
Today I found out that I actually HAVE to fill in that weird form-like whatever thingy with all the questions and ways to be safe from a fire thingy to Cikgu Baser. It's so pointless. I didn't fill it in. Only a little bit.
We also played fireworks. But Ruben didn't go to the birthday party. I don't know why, though. And I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DEFEATED RAYQUAZA IN MYSTERY DUNGEON BEFORE I DID!!! And he's turned himself into a Venusaur. And he's lost his HM Dive.
Birthday Party Summary:
OK, I followed Cheong(one of my best friends)'s mother to the party. Turns out he stays in a condo named Prima Court. It's so...yellow. Every house you see is yellow, the roofs are all red though, ...and even the people are yellow! Lol.
We came quite early. Some of my friends (actually, quite a few) were already there. They brought their swimming clothes and were swimming in the pool splashing at each other and acting wild. Lol. I brought my DS Lite to find that 2 others brought their GBASPs and Arif, who was there also, regretted not bringing his GBA too. Well, anyway, they were splashing in the pool and acting like idiots. Lol, my friend Varman came all nicely dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans-ish trousers. He walked to the pool and talked to my other friends. Said hi and all that hello-ish stuff, you know. So, anyway, he got pulled into the pool by my friends. Yeah, they pulled him in. He asked Arif for an excuse to help him explain the situation to his mom and dad later on, and Arif said "Tell them you were sweating." But luckily, his clothes were all dry by the time he got back.
Well, Cheong is so kind! He lent me his FireRed to play. I was so happy, only to find out that his Pokémon were soooo low-levelled. The League's Pokémon were like levels 61-75, but his Pokémon were level 44-56. Because of his amazing lameness, I went to catch Mewtwo. Now I'm stuck with Mewtwo forever. Trying to catch it. The Poké Ball (even a normal one) shakes a bit when I throw it, but it never gets caught. It hasn't reached the annoying stage yet, though. Luckily.
Well, now, in my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, all I have to do is wait for that mission where I have to fight Groudon to come. Just waiting and waiting and waiting.
Pokémon, Pokémon, Pokémon... Do I ever talk about anything else?
My answer: Lol, no. Pokémon is my life!
Lol, I guess that's all I have to post for today...
I'll post again tomorrow.
The worst part first.
I gave Eugene a RM30 TopUp only to find out that he used Post Paid!!! :'( :'(
But the rest was nice. I had lots and LOTS of sate. I dipped marble cake in sate kuah and ate it. Lol. And my friends ate spaghetti with sate kuah (NO FAIR! THEY COPIED MY IDEA!)
Today I found out that I actually HAVE to fill in that weird form-like whatever thingy with all the questions and ways to be safe from a fire thingy to Cikgu Baser. It's so pointless. I didn't fill it in. Only a little bit.
We also played fireworks. But Ruben didn't go to the birthday party. I don't know why, though. And I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DEFEATED RAYQUAZA IN MYSTERY DUNGEON BEFORE I DID!!! And he's turned himself into a Venusaur. And he's lost his HM Dive.
Birthday Party Summary:
OK, I followed Cheong(one of my best friends)'s mother to the party. Turns out he stays in a condo named Prima Court. It's so...yellow. Every house you see is yellow, the roofs are all red though, ...and even the people are yellow! Lol.
We came quite early. Some of my friends (actually, quite a few) were already there. They brought their swimming clothes and were swimming in the pool splashing at each other and acting wild. Lol. I brought my DS Lite to find that 2 others brought their GBASPs and Arif, who was there also, regretted not bringing his GBA too. Well, anyway, they were splashing in the pool and acting like idiots. Lol, my friend Varman came all nicely dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans-ish trousers. He walked to the pool and talked to my other friends. Said hi and all that hello-ish stuff, you know. So, anyway, he got pulled into the pool by my friends. Yeah, they pulled him in. He asked Arif for an excuse to help him explain the situation to his mom and dad later on, and Arif said "Tell them you were sweating." But luckily, his clothes were all dry by the time he got back.
Well, Cheong is so kind! He lent me his FireRed to play. I was so happy, only to find out that his Pokémon were soooo low-levelled. The League's Pokémon were like levels 61-75, but his Pokémon were level 44-56. Because of his amazing lameness, I went to catch Mewtwo. Now I'm stuck with Mewtwo forever. Trying to catch it. The Poké Ball (even a normal one) shakes a bit when I throw it, but it never gets caught. It hasn't reached the annoying stage yet, though. Luckily.
Well, now, in my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, all I have to do is wait for that mission where I have to fight Groudon to come. Just waiting and waiting and waiting.
Pokémon, Pokémon, Pokémon... Do I ever talk about anything else?
My answer: Lol, no. Pokémon is my life!
Lol, I guess that's all I have to post for today...
I'll post again tomorrow.
Sunday, 5 November 2006
Post #3
OK. Today I have to go to my friend Eugene's birthday party. I think my friend Cheong's mother will be picking me up (I hope). I bought him a RM30 Celcom TopUp as his birthday present. I bought it from 7 Eleven. The TopUp card looks W3!rd because it's not really a card... It's just a sheet of paper with the usual 14-digit pin code on it. Lol.
I lol a lot. I'm sorry if it bothers any of you who read my blog. Heh, I told Rohan something reallt stupid yesterday. Lol. (See, told ya I lol a lot!) Rohan: When I buy a DS Lite, I don't wanna get a Pokémon game. What should I buy? Khaielaash: Buy a slice of cheese.
School's practically out. I can ponteng every day if I want to. So lazy today... I feel like I wanna sleep for the rest of my life... Zzz...zzz...Zzz...zzz...
I'm so grateful to Steph for inspiring me to write a blog. Heh, I already had a blog but I abandoned it. I don't know why, but I have this habit of abandoning everything online that requires an account. I abandoned several Pokémoncrater accounts, 2 Neopets accounts, 1 or 2 RuneScape accounts, and 1 blog. Also, my MSN Space should now be counted as 'Abandoned' as well since I don't care about it anymore.
I can't believe people think I'm threatening. I don't threaten people to do what I want them to. I'm not demanding like Steph. I'm calm, peaceful and happy. I don't threaten people. Do I threaten people? Let me answer that. No, I don't. Don't tell me I'm threatening. (Someone in the back whom I know[Rohan]): You ARE threatening. [Me]: DON'T DEFY ME!!!!! Grrrr......
I can't wait till Pokémon Diamond and Pearl come out. I mean, they're gonna start a revolution. It's like, there's the games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the new TV Season Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the new trading card game set Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, so many things practically revolve around DP (Diamond and Pearl) now.
I already have my DS Lite. Besides Pokémon Diamond, it's the only thing I want(ed). Now, I'm so happy. So happy that when i use thew computer, I'm bored. I've never been bored with the computer before. I have two GBA games to play and two DS games to play. The GBA games are The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (U) and Super Street Fighter 2 X Revival (J). Zelda isn't original but Street FIghter is. It was originally my cousin's but since he sold his GBA, he gave it to me. The DS games are Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? (AUS) and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (USA). Both the DS games are indeed original. However, Brain Training isn't actually mine. My friend lent it to me. His cousin has a DS too and he left the game in my friend Aaron's house. He told Aaron he doesn't play it anymore so Aaron kept it. He lent it to me. He said I can buy it from him if I want. but I think not. Whatever anyway.
Anyway, I'm hungry now so I wanna go eat lunch. I'll post again tomorrow on how the party goes.
Please comment! SOMEONE READ MY BLOG anyway. It's no use having a blog if people don't read it.
I lol a lot. I'm sorry if it bothers any of you who read my blog. Heh, I told Rohan something reallt stupid yesterday. Lol. (See, told ya I lol a lot!) Rohan: When I buy a DS Lite, I don't wanna get a Pokémon game. What should I buy? Khaielaash: Buy a slice of cheese.
School's practically out. I can ponteng every day if I want to. So lazy today... I feel like I wanna sleep for the rest of my life... Zzz...zzz...Zzz...zzz...
I'm so grateful to Steph for inspiring me to write a blog. Heh, I already had a blog but I abandoned it. I don't know why, but I have this habit of abandoning everything online that requires an account. I abandoned several Pokémoncrater accounts, 2 Neopets accounts, 1 or 2 RuneScape accounts, and 1 blog. Also, my MSN Space should now be counted as 'Abandoned' as well since I don't care about it anymore.
I can't believe people think I'm threatening. I don't threaten people to do what I want them to. I'm not demanding like Steph. I'm calm, peaceful and happy. I don't threaten people. Do I threaten people? Let me answer that. No, I don't. Don't tell me I'm threatening. (Someone in the back whom I know[Rohan]): You ARE threatening. [Me]: DON'T DEFY ME!!!!! Grrrr......
I can't wait till Pokémon Diamond and Pearl come out. I mean, they're gonna start a revolution. It's like, there's the games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the new TV Season Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the new trading card game set Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, so many things practically revolve around DP (Diamond and Pearl) now.
I already have my DS Lite. Besides Pokémon Diamond, it's the only thing I want(ed). Now, I'm so happy. So happy that when i use thew computer, I'm bored. I've never been bored with the computer before. I have two GBA games to play and two DS games to play. The GBA games are The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (U) and Super Street Fighter 2 X Revival (J). Zelda isn't original but Street FIghter is. It was originally my cousin's but since he sold his GBA, he gave it to me. The DS games are Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? (AUS) and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (USA). Both the DS games are indeed original. However, Brain Training isn't actually mine. My friend lent it to me. His cousin has a DS too and he left the game in my friend Aaron's house. He told Aaron he doesn't play it anymore so Aaron kept it. He lent it to me. He said I can buy it from him if I want. but I think not. Whatever anyway.
Anyway, I'm hungry now so I wanna go eat lunch. I'll post again tomorrow on how the party goes.
Please comment! SOMEONE READ MY BLOG anyway. It's no use having a blog if people don't read it.
Saturday, 4 November 2006
My second post

I love my Pokémon Diamond and Pearl! They're the best. It turns out my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team isn't so much torture after all. I even went past Ninetales and got my Rescue Team Base fully built to perfection! Now, my team members are Khaielaash (me) the Charmander, Sparky (my partner) the Pikachu, Orball the Voltorb, Rolly the Voltorb, Rudi the Ratatta and Shadow the Absol.
I love Pokémon Mystery Dungeon now. I also love the game my friend Aaron lent me: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? When I first took it, it said my brain is in its 80s. HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT? I mean, I'm not even 1/4 of 80 years old. I took it again and I got 47. Then I got 40. And yesterday I got 33. I guess it should be OK because 20 is the best age your brain can have in that test. I also love it because it uses the DS Lite's microphone.
But what I'm truly amazed about is my progress in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. In my Red Rescue Team played on an emulator, I'm at the same status as I am currently in Blue Rescue Team, only there me and my partner are in their 30s (level) and in Blue Rescue Team, me and my partner are in our 20s. It's not fair. I must have REALLY trained super-hard there. Lol.
My friend Steph actually booked my DS Lite for this Saturday. Lol. She's gonna get it too. And she wants to get Pokémon Diamond. As hard as I've tryed to persuade her to buy Pokémon Pearl instead, she still insists on buying Diamond. :( But my other friends may get Pokémon Pearl (Aw, come on, at least ONE of them has to! I mean, if none of them get Pearl, how am I supposed to steal their Parukias and complete my Pokédex?
Steph wants to get an Onyx DS lite, Rohan wants to get Polar White and Laksh wants to get the Enamel Navy version. How can they get those horrible ugly black and/or black-ish coloured DS Lites? They're the ones that get smudged super-easily. Even mine's Ice Blue and it gets smudged ALL THE TIME. I can't even hold it without smudging the top or the bottom. :( So, I wipe it every time I see a smudge. Once I see a smudge or fingerprint, I frantically wipe my DS Lite with any clean cloth in sight, most frequently my clothes, lol. I do that with the screens too. It seems the Touch Screen is slightly larger than the lower screen.
The DS Lite's brightness levels are killer! But this one's a bit weird. Even the lowest brightness level's super-clear and at an average satisfying brightness at night but during the daytime, you can't see a thing! The DS Lite takes after my GBASP because it can also function as a good flashlight. Lol.
This has got to be the longest post I'll ever write in a blog or a prelude to many posts ten times longer than this one. Anyway, I don't care. I love Pokémon Diamond and PEarl so much I even listen to the MUSIC. And I have shiny front, shiny back, normal front and normal back sprites for Diamond and Pearl. I guess now you all know how Fr3@Ky I am and can be. Oh yes. I ate fried tofu with chilli sauce and mayonnaise and some carrots as well as a cucumber or two. XD No really. XD
Please feel free to leave any comments. I'll read them all. And please, Please, PLEASE don't put any swear words into your comments. At least censor yourself. For example, f*** or !@#$%^&*. Pls and tq. Bye!
Friday, 3 November 2006
Day 1
November 3 2006
9:51 AM
Hey! This is my second blog! I created one here a long time ago but I abandoned it. Lol, I don't like Windows Live Spaces blogs too so I made one here again. I saw a friend's blog and decided I want to make one too. I am a Pokémon Fr3@K. Yes, A
Pokémon Fr3@K. I love Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. These two games are exclusively for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite(WHICH I HAVE!) and feature 107 new Pokémon to train and capture as well as all the old ones. New-improved graphics make the games look almost fully 3D. There are new attacks, new challenges and many more. There are many Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. These two games were released on September 28 2006 in japan and is speculated to be released in the USA in somewhere in, around or near Spring 2007. The new region is called Shinou in Japanese and Sinnoh in English. It was just confirmed a few days ago.
But hey, from Shinou to SINNOH??? I mean, how do you even pronounce that? I'm goin to pronounce it as Sin-oh for now until I hear the correct pronounciation of that ridiculous name. ou should all know about me by now, lol. If you don't know about me and you're just surfing the net and reading all the newly-made blogs or something of the sort, my name is Khaielaash. The colour of my typing is black for now, but I'll try and blog somemore in a colour which I find suitable for this. Anyways, back to the subject. My name is Khaielaash. I'm 12 years old and I'm goin to be 13 on March 22 2007. I am known by my friends as a Fr3@K. I live in Malaysia. I just sat for my UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah) or in English, the Primary School Achievement Test. After taking this test, you will officially have finished primary school and move on to secondary school.
I'm not the horrible kind of weird, I'm the quirky and funny kind of weird (which, I invented the spelling for); W3!rD. Remember, if you talk to me on MSN or whatever, you MUST spell weird as W3!rD and freak as Fr3@K exactly. It's not like I'll do something bad if you spell it normally though. Lol.
All the English names of the new Pokémon are as follows:
Gonbe: Munchlax
Usohachi: Bonsly
Rukario: Lucario
Manene: Mime Jr.
Manyula: Weavlie
Manafi: Manaphy
My interests revolve around High School Musical, Hannah Montana, Pokémon, Michael Jackson's songs (I don't really listen to them nowadays, lol), Pokémon, Pocket Monsters, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and POKéMON.
So, I guess that's pretty much all for today, I guess.
9:51 AM
Hey! This is my second blog! I created one here a long time ago but I abandoned it. Lol, I don't like Windows Live Spaces blogs too so I made one here again. I saw a friend's blog and decided I want to make one too. I am a Pokémon Fr3@K. Yes, A
Pokémon Fr3@K. I love Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. These two games are exclusively for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite(WHICH I HAVE!) and feature 107 new Pokémon to train and capture as well as all the old ones. New-improved graphics make the games look almost fully 3D. There are new attacks, new challenges and many more. There are many Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. These two games were released on September 28 2006 in japan and is speculated to be released in the USA in somewhere in, around or near Spring 2007. The new region is called Shinou in Japanese and Sinnoh in English. It was just confirmed a few days ago.
But hey, from Shinou to SINNOH??? I mean, how do you even pronounce that? I'm goin to pronounce it as Sin-oh for now until I hear the correct pronounciation of that ridiculous name. ou should all know about me by now, lol. If you don't know about me and you're just surfing the net and reading all the newly-made blogs or something of the sort, my name is Khaielaash. The colour of my typing is black for now, but I'll try and blog somemore in a colour which I find suitable for this. Anyways, back to the subject. My name is Khaielaash. I'm 12 years old and I'm goin to be 13 on March 22 2007. I am known by my friends as a Fr3@K. I live in Malaysia. I just sat for my UPSR (Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah) or in English, the Primary School Achievement Test. After taking this test, you will officially have finished primary school and move on to secondary school.
I'm not the horrible kind of weird, I'm the quirky and funny kind of weird (which, I invented the spelling for); W3!rD. Remember, if you talk to me on MSN or whatever, you MUST spell weird as W3!rD and freak as Fr3@K exactly. It's not like I'll do something bad if you spell it normally though. Lol.
All the English names of the new Pokémon are as follows:
Gonbe: Munchlax
Usohachi: Bonsly
Rukario: Lucario
Manene: Mime Jr.
Manyula: Weavlie
Manafi: Manaphy
My interests revolve around High School Musical, Hannah Montana, Pokémon, Michael Jackson's songs (I don't really listen to them nowadays, lol), Pokémon, Pocket Monsters, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and POKéMON.
So, I guess that's pretty much all for today, I guess.
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