I wish I had a digital camera.
Then I could take pictures of everything I see. But I've already reserved Pokemon Diamond for a 13th birthday present since June or earlier. I want a camera like Steph's old pink one. That's a cool camera. And since I finally have an image hosting account on photobucket, I can post images on my blog without anything going wrong.
Or better still, I wish I had a camera phone. But then the phone would have to be the most expensive thing on the planet because I'd be fussy and want the picture quality to be at least 2 Megapixels. Lol.
I wanted an N73 last time. And is till want it now. It looks SOOOOOOOOO cool. Here, I posted a pic of it.
DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE THE COOLEST PHONE YOU EVER SAW!!!!! 3.2 Megapixel camera. Everything you'd ever want in a cool, superb, user-friendly phone. I wish I had a COLOR phone at least. My cousin insists on me to buy DS stuff (and I wanna too) but he thinks it's ridiculous for people of ages 9-14 to have supercool phones. In fact, he thinks it's ridiculouos for 12 year olds to even HAVE phones. Because my cousin's the most technologically smart in my family tree, my mum and dad agree. My older bro has the same opinion as them all too. =(
In fact, they think my friends are spoilt because they have walkman phones. Really, it bothers me how older people think less of younger people. They don't know what we can do! *angry face*...*sigh* But I already have an Mp3 so a walkman phone doesn't really appeal to me. I just want super color, MMS, XMS, SNAKES, Camera and 3G. But those phones all cost like RM2000. I love spending money so I don't know if I'll be able to buy a phone like that...nevermind, don't care about those right now. I only care about my Flash Supercard, GBA Game Pak slot cover, Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector and most importantly, POKEMON DIAMOND!!! =D
I officially declare Sunday DotA day. anyone who wants to DotA with me can on Sunday. And on every other day, in fact. But everyone's free on Sunday so it's suitable for Sunday to be DotA day. =D
Anyway, I wish I had a GBA Game Pak slot cover for my DS Lite. It's really starting to annoy me now. But it makes absolutely no sense, because the only games I play on a daily basis are the GBA ones. Lol.
Pokemon is one of the best things that ever happened to my life. Lol. If anyone thinks Pokemon is cool, I agree. POKEMON ROCKS! Not many people in the global populus disagree on this statement I'm sure.
I'm such a noob Pokemon fan. Heck, I didn't even really play Pokemon in the days of Gold and Silver. My first Game Boy ever was a Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Pearl Blue version), bought in November 2003. It died in December 2005. My dear GBASP, how I miss you so! =( And my first game ever for my Game Boy was Pokemon Ruby Version. my first game got deleted in the car I remember. I think I cried a bit. I had a Sceptile Lv91 for God's sake. Of course you'd be sad about that.
Now I bought a Nintendo DS Lite (Ice Blue evrsion) on October 26th 2006. It will NEVER die. The first game played on the GBA Game Pak slot was Super Street Fighter II X Revival (Japanese, but ORIGINAL) and the first game played on the DS Game Card slot was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (USA and ORIGINAL). It's weird that DS games are never fake. They're all original. I wish pokemon Diamond and Pearl would hurry up and get here in USA English. I'm a Pokemon Fr3@K.
The TAP (Typo Analyzation Program) is still going on. Though I can type at what I think is faster than the speed of sound, I stil make LOTS AND LOTS of typos.
Haha, that's all for today, blog reading ppl! Bye! ;)
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