Is it just me or did I just not post 2 TIMES?
Sorry, you guys anyway...
I was sick. But now I'm still wheezing...

I'm making quite a bit of progress in Zelda lately...but I'm using a FAQ :p Duh. I don't think anyone who plays Zelda got through without a FAQ. Except for those few people with brains equal to supercomputers that wrote the FAQs.
I SAW A VIDEO OF MICHAEL JACKSON RECORDING HIS NEW ALBUM!!!!!! THE KING OF POP'S BACK Y'ALL!!! I'm still a MJ fan, whether you like it or not. But there's one W3!rD part.
Michael Jackson [KING OF POP] is recording an album and [Black Eyed Peas leader] is helping him to produce the album.
MJ'S TEAMING UP WITH WILL.I.AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never thought I would see the day... Michael jackson said he wouldn't be doing anymore concerts and said he'd stop making albums in 2001 (I think)...But now, he's finally back! He's performing again, and he's even making a new album!
I never thought Id see this day... *cries*
And Ro said he may get a DS lite as soon as next week! Well, I guess there's something to loook forward to.
Everyone says they're gonna be getting DS Lites now. But they don't have them yet. But still, I can wait for that day when nobody in this universe would be caugfht dead playing GBAs/GBASPs but everyone would be seen playing DSs and DS Lites.
But Mario Kart DS, New Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are making DS and DS Lite sales go through the roof.
Sheesh, I finally got that annoying sticker completely off my DS Lite. It spoiled the sleek look of it.
There's very very very bad news. I LOST THE FILLER FOR MY DS LITE'S GBA GAME PAK SLOT!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( WAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since Steph, Shan Shan and Vimal were the people last seen with the DS Lite other than me, I'm making it their responsibility to FIND THE FILLER CARTRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
I like it to look sleeek. But, since the only game I actually play now is Zelda, which is a GBA game, I don't really need the filler. Lol. But anyways, I still need them to find it for me ASAP. Of course, they will get my full cooperation.
That's all to update for today. Remember to check
for the latest Pokemon news!
Bye. I'll try my best to update tomorrow.
MJ's broke. That's why he's recording.
Isn't the cartridge in your bag? Or with Vimal or something? =(
Well, yeah, I agree. BUT I CAN'T FIND THE FILLER! WAAH! It's not in my bag, I checked a million times.
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