I love my Pokémon Diamond and Pearl! They're the best. It turns out my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team isn't so much torture after all. I even went past Ninetales and got my Rescue Team Base fully built to perfection! Now, my team members are Khaielaash (me) the Charmander, Sparky (my partner) the Pikachu, Orball the Voltorb, Rolly the Voltorb, Rudi the Ratatta and Shadow the Absol.
I love Pokémon Mystery Dungeon now. I also love the game my friend Aaron lent me: Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? When I first took it, it said my brain is in its 80s. HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT? I mean, I'm not even 1/4 of 80 years old. I took it again and I got 47. Then I got 40. And yesterday I got 33. I guess it should be OK because 20 is the best age your brain can have in that test. I also love it because it uses the DS Lite's microphone.
But what I'm truly amazed about is my progress in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. In my Red Rescue Team played on an emulator, I'm at the same status as I am currently in Blue Rescue Team, only there me and my partner are in their 30s (level) and in Blue Rescue Team, me and my partner are in our 20s. It's not fair. I must have REALLY trained super-hard there. Lol.
My friend Steph actually booked my DS Lite for this Saturday. Lol. She's gonna get it too. And she wants to get Pokémon Diamond. As hard as I've tryed to persuade her to buy Pokémon Pearl instead, she still insists on buying Diamond. :( But my other friends may get Pokémon Pearl (Aw, come on, at least ONE of them has to! I mean, if none of them get Pearl, how am I supposed to steal their Parukias and complete my Pokédex?
Steph wants to get an Onyx DS lite, Rohan wants to get Polar White and Laksh wants to get the Enamel Navy version. How can they get those horrible ugly black and/or black-ish coloured DS Lites? They're the ones that get smudged super-easily. Even mine's Ice Blue and it gets smudged ALL THE TIME. I can't even hold it without smudging the top or the bottom. :( So, I wipe it every time I see a smudge. Once I see a smudge or fingerprint, I frantically wipe my DS Lite with any clean cloth in sight, most frequently my clothes, lol. I do that with the screens too. It seems the Touch Screen is slightly larger than the lower screen.
The DS Lite's brightness levels are killer! But this one's a bit weird. Even the lowest brightness level's super-clear and at an average satisfying brightness at night but during the daytime, you can't see a thing! The DS Lite takes after my GBASP because it can also function as a good flashlight. Lol.
This has got to be the longest post I'll ever write in a blog or a prelude to many posts ten times longer than this one. Anyway, I don't care. I love Pokémon Diamond and PEarl so much I even listen to the MUSIC. And I have shiny front, shiny back, normal front and normal back sprites for Diamond and Pearl. I guess now you all know how Fr3@Ky I am and can be. Oh yes. I ate fried tofu with chilli sauce and mayonnaise and some carrots as well as a cucumber or two. XD No really. XD
Please feel free to leave any comments. I'll read them all. And please, Please, PLEASE don't put any swear words into your comments. At least censor yourself. For example, f*** or !@#$%^&*. Pls and tq. Bye!
1 comment:
Nooo, actually I want the Spec. Ed Pokemon one. =D With Diaruga and Parukia on it.
I if can't get my hands on one, I'm taking the pink, meh.
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